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Title 「101、102年度推動節能減碳垃圾車及示範運行」專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署於本(101)年度完成3輛傳統垃圾車改裝電動壓縮系統,並於102年度針對改裝車輛進行相關標準測試、實地使用測試及示範運行作業,藉以評估電動壓縮垃圾車之節能效益及使用問題。相關成果將併同國內垃圾清運實際需求進行考量,探討電動壓縮垃圾車應符合之性能、規格,最終擬訂採購規格,提供機關辦理採購電動壓縮垃圾車使用。依本(101)年度計畫執行成果,已分別完成電動壓縮垃圾車改裝技術評估、可達成之節能效益估算、改裝成本分析、既有車輛改裝合適性評估、3輛傳統垃圾車改裝電動壓縮系統、電動壓縮垃圾車操作及維護注意事項研擬等工作,同時為配合102年度計畫執行需求,亦已先行完成後續標準測試及實地使用測試程序書之擬訂,可配合102年度計畫展開後辦理相關測試評估之工作。
EngTitle Study on the Vehicle Energy Efficient Technologies, Reconstruction
EngAbstract Study on the Vehicle Energy Efficient Technologies, Reconstruction, Test Operation and Demonstration of Refuse Trucks with Electrical Loading System for the Years 2012-2013The main purpose of this project is to assist EPA to accomplish modifications of three conventional refuse trucks with electrical loading system in 2012. In 2013, the modified trucks will undergo standard tests, trial run tests and demo operations in order to evaluate energy saving efficiency and to find potential problems during operation. The formulation of suitable performance and specifications of refuse truck with electrical loading system will be based on test results and ways of refuse being collected in Taiwan. Also, this project will finalize procurement specifications of refuse trucks with electrical loading system for local governments to purchase.Achievements of this project include: complete modifications of three conventional refuse trucks with electrical loading system, analyze potential energy efficiency and modification costs, establish feasibility evaluation method for modifications of conventional refuse trucks, and establish operation and maintenance considerations of electrical loading system. As it will undergo test operation and demonstration in 2013, this project has drafted standard tests, trial run tests and demo operations procedures in advance which could be used for the reference of next year’s work.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司