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Title 固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、管理暨制度研修計畫
Abstract 環保署於99年將空污費徵收審查業務全數轉由縣市環保局執行,本計畫則對環保局進行教育輔導、稽核與重點污染源查核及政策研擬;因此,可將計畫成果分為「徵收制度檢討」及「徵收作業執行成效」兩部分。在徵收制度檢討部分,公告修正「空污費收費費率」之低污染性氣體燃料條件;修正發布「空污費收費辦法」,並同步公告增訂「空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」及「設備元件抽測原則及揮發性有機物排放量重新計算規定」;在SOx與NOx排放係數方面,完成包括陶瓷業、磚瓦窯業之SOx排放係數、不銹鋼業之硝酸清洗程序NOx排放係數檢討等;在VOCs排放係數方面,完成多個防制設備之均化效率計算方式檢討、塑膠產品之押出成型設備係數檢討、酒精發酵程序之係數檢討、質量平衡法規計量問題檢討等,並配合揮發性有機物排放標準針對儲槽清洗作業、歲修維護作業及冷卻水塔等污染行為增訂排放係數等之草案。在徵收作業執行成效部分,在縣市環保局執行空污費相關業務後,申報率與核算率已達90%以上,CEMS查核、防制設備清查、低污染性燃料確認及油品抽測皆確實執行,惟補繳率仍須提升;在現場查核方面,CEMS查核缺失皆請環保局追蹤修正、VOCs查核亦將查核結果反映於排放量與空污費修正與制度修正;在帳目核對與空污費系統部分,則配合法規修正,增加各種便民功能。後續需建立審查人員資格管理並推動認可制度,提升空污費審查人員專業素質,VOCs制度則應推動申報表單減化、修正質量平衡計算規定、自廠係數認可規定,並評析現行排放量掌握不足部份以及粒狀污染物之空污費徵收。
EngTitle The project of auditing, management and revised policy in air pollution control fee for stationary p
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB) of each city and county have started to executed the collection and examination processes of the air pollution fee since 2010. This project focused on education consultation, examination of the main stationary pollution sources, and policy development. Thus, the achievement could be divided into two parts, "reviews of the collection system" and "results of executing collection processes".On the aspect of reviews of the collecting system, this project issued corrections of the conditions of lower-pollution gaseous fuels in "Rates of air pollution control fee" and "Provision of air pollution fee collection" including additions of "Rules of air pollutants emission calculation" and "Rules of equipment component tests and recalculation". Additionally, this project completed reviews of SOx emission coefficients of ceramic industry and tiles and bricks industry, NOx emission coefficients of HNO3 cleaning process in stainless steel industry. As for VOCs emission coefficient, coefficient of multi-control-equipments, plastic extrusion equipments, alcohol fermenting procedures, and rules of mass balance calculation had been revised. At the same time, the project added a draft of coefficients of VOCs produced in storage tank cleaning, repairs and maintenances of equipments, cooling water towers.As for the results of executing collection processes, the declaration rate and the check computation rate had been over 90% after each EPB executed relevant businesses of air pollution fee. Others including CEMS checking, controlling equipments check, lower-pollution fuel confirmation, and oil auditing all were accurately executed. In terms of on-site examinations, CEMS errors had been traced and corrected by EPBs, and were reflected on the air pollution fee declaration system. This project also installed several citizen-friendly functions on the air pollution fee declaration system according to relevant regulations. Finally, investigator qualification system should be established and managed for improvement of investigators' expertise level; VOCs declaration forms need to be simplified. Regulations, such as mass balance calculation rules and self-coefficient rules, should also be corrected. Works for reviewing current stationary pollution sources emission to strengthen weaknesses of discovering unknown pollutants and levy of particulate pollutants air pollution fee also need to be continuously carried out.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司