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Title 101年水環境家園守望計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫主要為協助全國水環境巡守隊轉變為深化及多元化水資源守護工作者,並向全民推廣水環境相關知識及概念,且配合署內掌握資訊導入E 化管理,並持續更新維護「水環境保育網」資訊系統,擴充內容資訊,作為巡守隊交流及成果彙整平台。巡守隊組織運作部分,本計畫進行縣市環保局評核作業、評鑑優良水環境守望襄助巡守隊評選;於10月份在北、中、南三區辦理三場次之經營管理輔導會議,使水環境巡守執行人員相互交流。另於針對制度、培訓、輔導及系統面擬定相關制度並提供輔導協助,辦理志工訓練,並設立河川生態環境教室及推廣水環境教育獎章,積極將巡守隊與環境教育做結合。在水環境保育推廣部分,於5至9月辦理北、中、南三場水環境教育暨保育論壇,結合環境教育及水環境巡守事務。另彙整水環境保育資訊,提供線上教材,並發行4季水環境巡守季刊,介紹優良巡守隊及特色水環境故事。且透過民眾參與流域管理相關文獻,研擬巡守隊進行流域管理的策略方向。水環境保育網功能開發及資料維護部分,為簡化巡守隊通報流程開發行動通報APP,落實污染即時通報;設計標準化表格,提供環保局進行巡守隊普查作業;新增優良成果表揚及線上教材專區,提供使用者觀覽與使用;建置Water map 查詢系統,整合水質、污染、稽查及巡守四大資訊平台之資訊。
EngTitle The 2012 Project on Guard the Water Environment
EngAbstract 英文摘要The project of this year mainly focuses on the following three aspects: 1. assisting domestic water environment patrol teams to become insightful and multi water resource caretakers, 2. promoting water environment knowledge and notions to the public, and 3. in response to Environmental Protection Administration’s E-management control and introduction, keeping updating and maintaining on Water Environment Conservation information system, and enriching contents as the platform for patrol teams communication and outcomes archive.For patrol team operation, works completed include the performance evaluation of local environmental protection bureaus, the selection of excellent water environment patrol teams, and the presentation and assessment of patrol outcomes. Three forum meetings have been organized in northern, southern, and central Taiwan respectively in October to enable exchanges among water environment patrol personnel. In addition, related regulations focusing on training, guidance, and systems are drew up, providing guidance assistance, organizing volunteers training, and setting up river ecology classroom promoting water environmental education awards. By doing so, patrol teams are combined with environmental education closely.Concerning the promotion of water-environment conservation, three forums on environmental education applied for water environment patrol teams have been held from May through September, which allows the collaboration between watershed stakeholders and educational personnel. Moreover, four issues of Water Environment Patrol Quarterly were published, introducing the selected patrol teams and the characteristic water environment to advocate water environment conservation. To study the strategy of watershed management, reviewing references was taken as the way for environmental management with the public’s participation.With regard to the function development of Water Environment Conservation website and information maintenance, an action reporting app for immediate pollution reporting was developed, simplifying reporting processes for patrol personnel. Additionally, a standardized form was designed for water environment patrol personnel. Moreover, achievement praises and online materials were added on the website, providing users to browse and apply. And, Water map searching system was established, integrating information for four main information platforms, including water quality, pollution, audit, and patrol platforms.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司