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Title 我國資源回收創新與研究發展方向之探討專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作內容包含兩部分:第一部份為研擬建議102年度資源回收創新與研究發展重點工作,第二部分則針對國內資源循環產業中、長期可發展議題方案進行研擬規劃,並將計畫執行相關成果提供給環保署基管會做為未來工作規劃參考。本計畫透過問卷調查、國內外資訊收集、專家訪談工作,將相關資訊與意見進一步彙整、歸納、整理為發展議題方案(草案),並由專家會議進一步確認與整合。在問卷調查部分,一共寄出6類290件問卷邀請,填寫問卷表格並提供建議,計有48件的有效回覆信件提供208項建議/意見。在國際資訊收集部分,透過網絡新聞搜索與各國官方發佈訊息,收集有301件關於資源回收相關新聞訊息和分析。在國際期刊部分,本計畫搜尋Waste Management and Research, Waste Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling等5份有關廢棄物管理和研究,廢棄物管理,資源節約和循環利用等期刊論文,超過150篇論文進行審視與比對,以瞭解目前國外廢棄物資源回收及管理現況。經由將上述來源收集的所有信息進行編譯和重新分類,本計畫針對資源回收領域創新研發方向區分為5個面向(包含法律/政策、組織/體系、污染防治、技術研發與社會/經濟等)進行探討,並先規劃59項課題草案,再以專家會議方式對草案進行討論並提出建議。綜合整理相關資訊、意見和建議後,本計畫提出資源回收創新研發之具體目標為-淨化環境、資源永續利用,同時歸納出10項願景,並整理出32項具短、中、長程未來發展之議題。另外102年度之主題規劃,則以對資源回收體系有較急迫性需求之「經濟性調查:資源回收市場、物質流」、「環保規範及技術研發」、「建立規格:處理場節能減」為篩選原則,分別就廢棄物資源回收之(A)基本資料及分析、(B)未來方向、(C)技術之開發、(D)規範建立等4個方向選定12項102年度建議進行主題。
EngTitle The project plan of resource recovery innovation and R&D direction in our country
EngAbstract The goal of this research project was two-fold: recommending research and development needs for FY2013 and constructing a short and long term strategy plan in the field of waste recycling under the jurisdiction of Recycling Fund Management Board, EPA. The work was completed stepwise through information collection, information compiling, expert meeting, and final integration and proposal submission. The information was collected through questionnaire survey, interview with professions, news/web searching, and profession journal searching. A questionnaire was designed based on waste recycling flow stream and items recycled. In total 290 individuals and agencies in 6 profession groups were invited to fill the form and provide suggestions. 48 units responded with astonishing 208 comments/suggestions. The news/web searching was based on the news edited and released from the Office of Sustainable Development (OSD), EPA, which collects global environmental issues through major websites, state information release, and EC information center. In total, a list with 301 news was collected and analyzed. Five major profession journals, Waste Management and Research, Waste Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Conversion and Management with more than 150 papers were reviewed. Then, all information from the above sources were compiled and reclassified into five groups, including system/regulation, organization, pollution control, research and development, social/economic issue, by this project, and the issues were condensed to a draft of 59 topics. The expert meeting was then called to review and comment on the draft. Finally, the short and long term strategy plan with 32 topics were outlined and proposed after comments and suggestions from the professional meeting. Meantime, based on the urgency, 12 topics in four categories, including establishment of basic information and analysis, technical development, guideline and index development, and future needs, were screened and selected for the FY2013 R & D needs.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學