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Title 101年度高雄市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫依契約工作內容,已於101年4月份起,每月5日前完成「土壤及地下水污染資訊網頁」更新維護,民眾可定期接收新的相關資訊,在土壤及地下水監督查核及驗證採樣工作部份,本計畫共完成382點土壤採樣及152口地下水採樣,其中包括110口指定加測TPH-d與50口8大金屬。本年度共完成查證8處場址,17處場址驗證調查,及19處列管場址例行性監督查核。地下水監測井部份,上下半年度井外觀巡查共完成件數為686口次,除部份巡查缺失於現場立即完成改善外,針對外觀有異樣之監測井共完成20口監測井地下結構之功能保養維護、10口井中攝影、7口標準監測井廢井、14口簡易井設置及15口標準監測井設置。本工作團隊聘請合法登記或立案之法律事務機構專業律師,共協助完成8件律師諮詢服務。另針對局內舉行4場次教育訓練,針對市內被列管之業者、加油站業者與8、9條業者辦理4場法規宣導說明會。計畫執行期間內,本市一百多個場址每月至少均巡查一次以上,此外,協助審查各污染場址所提報與土壤及地下水污染整治法相關資料並提供書面審查意見計有151件。另協助加油站業者網路申報,101年第1~3季申報率達100%。協助審核加油站設備計畫書或完工報告書審核10件次,並已完成加油站現場查核81站次及12站加油站預防性體檢工作。
EngTitle Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project in Kaohsiung city 2012
EngAbstract In order to control the soil and groundwater contamination in kaohsiung, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Goverment (Kaohsiung EPB) contract out the plan. In excuting the plan, Kaohsiung EPB could invest and identify the soil and groundwater contamination in kaohsiung, and prevent the expending of the contamination, and carry out the precaution of the gas station. According to the contract, we have complete all of the works items. We completed to the soil and groundwater contamination webpage for updates and maintenance on the 5th of each month, people can regularly receives new information and understanding of the effectiveness of the work performed by the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung EPB. In addition, in the soil and groundwater management information system, we continuously updated project content and grasp the progress and effectiveness of the various sites.In soil and groundwater oversight supervised and verification sampling work, we has completed 382 points of soil sampling and 152 groundwater sampling, including 110 designated plus measured TPH-d with 50 metal. The investigation can be divided into the verification, validation and routine supervision and checks.In respect to the Validation, we completed 17 site verification survey, 4 of the pollution improvement not completed on schedule, the remaining 13 in succession as set forth, the proportion of 76.5%.In respect to the Routine supervision and checks, we completed 19 site soil and groundwater sampling work.During this year, we completed a total of 686 wells of appearance inspections, in addition to some of the inspections missing was immediately to improve for the appearance, the strange monitoring wells also discharged into the wells photographic or underground structure and function of the monitoring wells in the maintenance of the list, the completion of 20 monitoring well underground structure function maintenance, 10 wells photography, 7 standard monitoring wells were cancel, 14 temporary wells set and 15 standard monitoring wells set.We hired a professional lawyer to provide the soil or groundwater contamination identified or litigating legal advice, completed a total of 8 lawyers consulting services. Another it held 4 field training to enhance the expertise involved, to achieve the purpose of contaminated sites control the exchange of experience and by observation activities. Held 4 additional regulatory guidance meeting, mainly related laws introduced remediation practices introduced Remediation been associated with the rights, obligations and remediation methods to understand the industry view to the city.There were approximately 100 sites in Kaohsiung city, we inspected all sites once a month and assisted in the review of the various contaminated sites report, and total of 151 review comments. We required of the gas station quarterly reporting by calling, the 1st to 3th season reporting rate of 100%, and assisted in the review 10 of the gas station equipment plan completion reports. We completed 81 of gas stations inspections and 12 of the gas stations preventive inspection work. The result of 1 gas station were recommended to enter the second stage-soil and groundwater sampling investigation, and the investigated results did not exceed control standards, there were unnecessary to enter the third stage of the investigation.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司