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Title 我國新化學物質與既有化學物質登錄管理能量建置計畫
Abstract 配合環保署為強化現行毒化物篩選效率與達成聯合國化學品管理策略方針2020年之目標所規劃之毒性化學物質管理法修正,本計畫已協助研擬國內化學物質源頭管理相關配套措施,落實既有化學物質及新化學物質的登錄機制。現已完成化學物質登錄模式與流程規劃文件初稿,提供新化學物質登錄噸數級距、排除、豁免、測試項目、指引增修範疇擬定,及既有物質預登錄規劃、登錄篩選標準、資訊審查運作模式流程、通關邊境管制工具等建議。針對具重大關切特性之高關切新化學物質已完成管制監測機制策略建議。依據計畫中宣導與諮詢管道已完成廠商徵詢意見蒐集摘要初稿,並完成國際新化學物質平行申報最新資料彙整。化學物質註冊後台管理系統與註冊工具CHEMIST皆已完成階段性擴充建置與修正測試。完成協助主辦單位參與跨部會既有化學物質清單增補提報作業,完成我國化學物質管理五年策略建議,並已透過國際會議與歐、美、日、韓、澳、中各國主管機關持續國際管理制度交流,已完成舉辦兩場次各級政府機關稽查人員與執法人員種子師資培訓會議與八場廠商宣導說明會作為提昇產業與政府完善化學品管理制度與修法因應、既有物質增補提報之宣導,期藉由法規落實達成將化學暴露造成之人體及環境潛在衝擊降至最低之目標。
EngTitle Project of Capacity Building for New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration
EngAbstract In accordance with the EPA’s proposed Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act amendment to strengthen the current toxic chemicals’ screening efficiency and to achieve the goal for United Nation’s Strategic Approaches for International Chemicals Management (SAICM), this project provided assistance in drafting detailed enforcement rules and measures for national chemical substance source management in order to implement registration mechanism of existing chemical substances and new chemical substances. Recommendations for registration scheme design and workflow were completed. Registration tonnage bands, scope of exclusion, exemption criteria, testing guidelines, and revision for guidance for new chemical substances were provided. For existing chemical substances, this project proposed pre-registration mechanism, screening criteria for registration, information review process, custom clearance and border control IT tool design. For new chemical substances that possess properties of significant hazardous concerns, recommendations for control and monitor mechanisms were developed. Opinions from local and foreign companies collected through workshops and helpdesk established in this project were summarized in the final report. Summary of new chemicals’ parallel process information and latest OECD information exchange clearance house meeting was completed. Preliminary development of chemical substance registration management system and chemical information system and tool (CHEMIST) were completed and plans were developed for continuing system testing and functional expansion. Through this project, the EPA participated in the establishment of existing chemical substance inventory and supplementary nomination under the inter-agency cooperation mechanism. Five year national chemical substance management strategies were developed. Communication with international chemical management competent authorities were maintained and expanded to the EU, Japan, US, Australia, China, and Korea’s chemical management competent authorities for information exchange. Two train-the-trainer workshops were held for regulators and inspectors from governmental agencies. Eight policy dissemination seminars for industries were held. The seminars promoted sound industrial chemical management and provided compliance training with the goal of implementing regulatory measures to minimize significant adverse impacts on environment and human health from exposure to chemicals.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人安全衛生技術中心