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Title 101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 環保署於101年03月公告「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」。本計畫藉由稽查管制與宣導方式,落實環保署政策、減少縣境內機動車輛怠速情形並維護本縣空氣品質。今年度計畫相關執行成果摘要說明如下:一、稽查勸導管制工作以主動稽查與現場勸導方式,督促縣民遵守怠速熄火規定。本年度共完成2,152件稽查勸導工作,其中怠速超過3分鐘案件1,050件。易怠速的區域依序為火車站、菜市場、學校家長接送區等周邊道路;時段則以10:00~13:00比例最高。二、宣導工作分成三大主軸推動。首先在動態宣導部分,配合本縣各項活動(如王功漁火節),透過互動遊戲方式,傳達怠速熄火的觀念給至少1,700位的民眾。另也在各項空品管制宣導會議、社區志工教育訓練等會議及排班計程車,利用5~10分鐘加強宣傳。其次在靜態宣導上,藉由地方電視台及電視牆、電子看板、文宣印製及等網頁設置與新聞刊登方式,播放宣導影片、錄音檔及標語,提醒民眾配合怠速熄火政策。最後透過舉辦種子教師訓練會議方式,讓種子教師於平日之教育課程中教導孩童從小建立怠速熄火的良好觀念。透過今年度計畫的推動,初步已讓縣民瞭解車輛怠速熄火的適法性與必要性,同時也達到維護彰化縣空氣品質及落實政策推動的雙重目標。
EngTitle Plan of Idle-Stop advocacy and Inspection control, in 2012 year.
EngAbstract EPD 2012 March bulletin " Idle-Stop of motor vehicle management regulation ", by means of audit control and advocacy work to implement this plan, to execute environmental protection policies, county motor vehicle Idle-Stop reduction and to maintain good air quality in the County. This annual program performance results are summarized as follows:Inspection control part, by means of persuasion work to enable people to comply with the Act, 2,152 statistics this year completed, where the 1,050 cases idling for more than 3 minutes; survey results found that most easily around idling is a railway station in Changhua County; most prone to idle time in 10:00~13:00. Divided into three parts information . First, in part of the advocacy work, using interactive games, combined with local event activities, completing four dynamic advocacy activities, totals more than 1700 people informed of the Idle-Stop policy. To use air quality control meetings, and community volunteer education and training meeting and Scheduled Taxi driver, to advocacy by 5-10 minutes.Second, on the static advocates, by means of local radio station and TV wall, scrolling text marquee and published printing, networks and newspapers, advocate for movie playback, recording, slogan and posters reminding people Idle-Stop policy .Thirdly, through a seeded teachers education and training meeting to nurturing seeded teachers, to teach children from an early age to establish Idle-Stop good values.The EPA through this plan advocate , wants the people to know of Idle-Stop law and importance , to maintain good air quality and propagate Idle-Stop policies in the Changhua County.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 景新環境科技有限公司