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Title 焚化飛灰再利用推廣計畫
Abstract 垃圾焚化飛灰因性質較具危害性, 且現階段推動再利用條件尚未臻成熟,故絕大多數縣市均依法以固化穩定化處理至符合溶出標準後送至掩埋場處置, 僅有少數縣市(如: 台北市、新竹市等)進行再利用示範驗證及後續個案再利用計畫中。本計畫目標即為推廣宣導國內垃圾焚化廠飛灰資源化再利用。本計畫執行期間自101 年2 月1 日起至101 年12 月31 日止,主要工作內容包括:收集彙整國內外飛灰資源化再利用技術等文獻、籌辦飛灰再利用示範觀摩會、實地訪查飛灰處理(置)方式、輔導及協助地方政府研提及執行飛灰再利用示範驗證或再利用計畫書,以及召開前述計畫書或成果報告審查會議。本計畫執行包含如下四項成果:1. 收集彙整國內外至少5個先進國家最新飛灰再利用技術、方法及應用實例,掌握國際最新辦理趨勢。2. 邀集各縣市環保局及潛在再利用機構,舉辦飛灰再利用說明會1 場次,推廣宣導飛灰再利用。3. 調查24 座運轉中之焚化廠飛灰處理處置方式,並辦理10場次飛灰前處理及資源化再利用設施實地查核,掌握確認國內飛灰處理及資源化再利用現況。4. 就台北市政府提之飛灰示範驗證及再利用計畫書與成果報告提供初審意見,並協助環保署召開2場次審查會議。
EngTitle Strengthen Incineration Fly Ash Recycling Plan
EngAbstract Due to the hazardous property of the fly ash produced from incineration and the incomplete development of its reuse for the time being, the fly ash has been solidified and stabilized to meet the leaching criteria set in the TCLP (Toxicity CharacteristicLeaching Procedure) before being deposited in the land-fill in most of the counties and cities. Only a few counties or cities such as Taipei City, Hsinchu City, are currently undertaking the incineration fly ash waste reuse model validation and follow-up EPA-101-H101-02-252 iii case study programs. The goal of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to carry out promotion and information dissemination of incineration fly ash recycling in Taiwan.The project was executed from February 1 to December 31, 2012.The major tasks included:Collection and compilation of literature on fly ash reuse technology used in the country and abroad.Arrangement and conduct of fly ash recycling demonstration seminars.Site visits to the disposal sites of fly ash.Counseling and assistance rendered to the local governments for preparing proposal and implementation of fly ash model validation or recycling plan.Assistance provided to the EPA in holding meetings to review the above-mentioned plan and study reports.Achievements made in this project:1. Obtained the knowledge on the latest trend of fly ash reuse and disposal worldwide through collection and compilation of the newest fly ash recycling technology and methods, as well as their applications in Taiwan and at least five advanced foreigncountries.2. Held a meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of each of the counties and cities and concerned entities with fly ash reuse potential to promote and disseminate the information on fly ash recycling.3. Familiarized with the current situation of disposal of incineration fly ash and its recycling in Taiwan through the investigation of the fly ash treatment methods adopted by 24 incineration plants in operation and 10 times on-site audits of fly ash pre-treatments and recycling facilities.4. Provided preliminary review results on the fly ash reuse model validation and reuse plans submitted by the Taipei City Government, and assisted EPA in two review meetings.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司