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Title 101年度空品淨化區巡查管理及裸露地調查改善計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程自101年4月25日至102年1月31日止,共計9個月。其中主要工作項目包括:空氣品質淨化區維護管理、一般裸露地調查及輔導改善作業、河川揚塵防制管制作業、辦理綠肥或相關綠化補助施作、配合低碳城市推動辦理花園城市願景規劃及辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。(一) 空氣品質淨化區維護管理1. 空氣品質淨化區自評作業:查核結果各區維護狀況多屬優良,尤以太平區麗園公園二期、東豐綠廊自行車道、汝鎏公園等三處空氣品質淨化區維護狀況最為優良。2. 植物健檢作業:植物健檢查核缺失數量共107項,仍以病蟲害問題為主,改善完成的項目共有89項,改善中共有18項,改善完成率約83.17%。3. 推動空氣品質淨化區認養作業:本年度新增認養8處,累計達15處完成認養,認養率42%,認養面積共9.47公頃。4. 空氣品質淨化區碳匯測量:完成1處空氣品質淨化區之碳匯調查,喬木數量共490株,喬木碳匯量總計為3.561公噸CO2。5. 維護管理環保局空氣品質淨化區網頁:於101年5月完成空氣品質淨化區網頁建置工作,連結網址為http://,並定期更新。6. 辦理空氣品質淨化區攝影比賽及抽獎活動:攝影比賽共計有661件作品參加,並於11月20日舉辦頒獎典禮,於12月03日至12月11日在臺中巿政府環保局一樓樓梯兩側、12月15日至12月30日在臺中火車站一號月台旁進行展覽;抽獎活動,報名參與民眾統計共有310人,參賽件數達1057件,並已完成抽出得獎者流程及獎品發放作業。7. 自行車道調查作業:本計畫共完成本市41條自行車道沿線景點之調查及紀錄,同步更新網站內容。8. 協助辦理綠美化相關作業:本計畫共完成16場綠化植栽申請現場複勘作業及21場綠化植栽經費審查會議,共計12處完成核定作業,另完成2處低碳城市設施申請案補助作業,設置共23盞太陽能發電LED路燈。預計TSP減量0.555公噸/年;CO2減量24.84公噸/年。9. 協助98年以後校園、工廠綠化植栽複查作業,共查核208處次。查核結果以港區植栽之存活率較低,生長情形較差。10. 辦理各項說明會議:本年度空品淨化區維護管理說明會,出席率82%;補助申請設置要點說明會,出席率95%;空品淨化區跨局處維護管理單位年度工作檢討暨研商會議,出席率97.06%。11. 辦理空氣品質淨化區滿意度問卷調查作業:針對臺中市民調查空品淨化區滿意度調查。(二) 裸露地調查及改善作業1. 一般裸露地清查作業共計列管一般裸露地84筆(總面積25.39公頃),其中計有62筆完成改善(總面積21.87公頃)。2. 企業/工廠綠化成果方面,共計28家工廠提出申請植樹綠化,植樹6.255公頃,預計可削減TSP3.215公噸/年。(三) 河川揚塵防制作業1. 河川揚塵好發點查核管制:共列管30處河川好發管制點,每月至少巡查乙次,河川揚塵潛勢區域共11處潛勢區域。2. 河川揚塵防制相關會議:共辦理2場。另完成1場次大型宣導說明會。3. 河川揚塵防制工作成果:本年度各單位完成河川揚塵防制措施共110公頃。(四) 農地綠肥補助作業本年度共13個行政區施種400.015公頃波斯菊綠肥。另結合102年大雅區小麥文化節活動,推估每季可削減總懸浮微粒(TSP)共35.4 公噸及PM10共17.7公噸。(五) 配合低碳城市推動辦理花園城市願景規劃配合今年度研擬之作業機制及可行性評估分析,建議可搭配低碳示範社區或適合區域進行補助綠化,以點、線、面的方式向外延伸,打造低碳花園城市的意向。
EngTitle Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone and Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands
EngAbstract The scheduled implementation of the Program herein shall be covered from April 25, 2012 to January 31, 2013 with a total of 9 months. The tasks mainly include, but not limited to, Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone, Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands, Dust Prevention & Control on the River, Implementation of Green Manure or Afforestation Subsidies Promotion of Garden City Prospectus Planning in Cooperation with Low-carbon City & A Variety of Propaganda that each itemized work has proceeded as schedule.(1) Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone1. Self-assessment of the Clean Air Zone: Indicated from the result, each zone is maintained in good condition, especially including but not limited to three locations, Phase 2 Liyuan Park of Taiping District, Bikeway of Tungfeng Green Corridor), Rulau Park .2. Health Check of Plants: Indicated form the result, a total of 107 acre of lands are in poor conditions where pest problems constitute a major part of it; a total of 89 items have been improved and 18 items are under improved, which the fulfillment rate is about 83.17%.3. Promotion of Adoption of Clean Air Zone: There are 8 places in adoption additionally which with 15 places a total fulfilled adoption process and the adoption rate is 42%, 9.47 acre a total in adoption.4. Measurement of Carbon Sequestration: There is one zone as mentioned above fulfilling survey of carbon sequestration, where a total of 490 arbors are with totaled 3.561 ton of CO2 in carbon sequestration.5. Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone on the website of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The page of Clean Air Zone is finished on the website in May, 2012, which URL is and with regular updates.6. Photography Contest and Sweepstakes for Clean Air Zone: There were a total of 661 photographs available for selection and the Awarding Ceremony was held on November 20, with exhibitions held in both sides of stairs at 1st Floor of EPA, Taichung City Government during December 3 ~ 11, and next to the railway platform No. 1 of Taichung Railway Station during December 15 ~ 30; there were a total of 310 people registering in the Sweepstakes and almost 1,057 works for the Contest; the process of drawing winner in the Sweepstakes and Prize distribution have been accomplished.7. Survey conducted in the Bikeway: A total of 41 bikeways with scenery sites alongside within this city have been surveyed and recorded in the program which are also updated on the website concurrently.8. Assistance in Green Beautification: A total of 16 places of green plantation have been filed with field review and 21 meetings as to budgetary review of green plantation have been filed which 12 places totaled are approved and another 2 low-carbon city facilities are in completion of subsidy filing; besides, a total of 23 solar-powered LED street lights have been set. It is predicted that TSP will be reduced by 0.555 ton/year and CO2 by 24.84 ton/year.9. Assisted in review of green plantation for campus and plant after 2009 where a total of 208 places have been reviewed; in accordance with the result, the survival rate in the port comes in the least with poorer condition of development.10. Hosted a variety of propaganda: Such propaganda as to Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone this year had 82% attendance rate; subsidies filing & setting focus had 95% attendance rate; annual work review & discussion meeting for cross-division & bureau maintenance & management unit air quality purification zone had 97.06% attendance rate.11. Conducted Survey of Satisfaction with Clean Air Zone via Questionnaire: Residents in Taichung City were the subjects in the Survey.(2) Bare Land Survey & Improvement1. For general type of bare land checks, there are a total of 84 lands listed for management (total area of 25.39 acre), among of them, a total of 62 lands have been improved (total area of 21.87 acre).2. For the outcome of firm/plant afforestation, a total of 28 plants had been filed with plantation and afforestation, where a total of 6.255 acre in plantation and predicted to reduce TSP3.215 ton/year.(3) Dust Prevention & Control on the River1. Checks and Control of Predilection Points with Dust on the River: A total of 30 points are listed for management and with at least once patrol monthly; there are a total of 11 areas with potentiality of dust on the river.2. Related meetings called for Prevention and Control of Dust on the River: A total of 2 meetings have been called to hold with another one large-scale propaganda.3. The outcome of the prevention and control for Dust on the river: A total of 110 acres have taken prevention and control measures for dust on the river by each unit this year.(4) Subsidies for Agricultural Land with Green ManureThere are a total of 13 administrative regions with 400.015 acres planted with cosmos green manure this year, along with Wheat Cultural Festival of Daya District held in 2013, which predict to reduce a total of 35.4 ton of total suspended particulates (TSP) and 17.7 ton of PM10.(5) Promotion of Garden City Prospectus Planning in Cooperation with Low-carbon City & A Variety of PropagandaWith the operating mechanism developed this year and feasibility evaluation and analysis, subsidies for afforestation in cooperation with low-carbon model community or suitable region are suggested to extend in a point-line-surface manner for intention of building a garden city.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司