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Title 海洋污染防治執行成效評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 蒐集比較聯合國海洋法公約第12章與國內法制化,蒐集倫敦海洋棄置公約1997年協議書、OPRC-HNS協議書、拆船公約、MARPOL公約附錄更新、船舶壓艙水公約、IAFS、Bunker、HNS、Intervention等。蒐集日本、美國、英國、加拿大、澳洲、中國大陸、香港等國家洋棄置許可管理規定;完成海洋棄置許可管理辦法修正草案;蒐集美、日等國外海洋棄置分類資料,提出分析建議。蒐集美國、新加坡、加拿大、日本、中國大陸等國家油輸送之污染預防執行資料;完成「從事油輸送行為之公私場所申請案件核准作業要點」修正草案。彙整國外海洋設施定義與管制方式,並參考海洋污染防治法立法精神,從污染風險管理的角度提出建議;篩選商港及工業港區內事業,設置儲槽之事業共33家,港區儲槽共993個。分析我國「海洋污染防治計畫」申請案件,完成「利用海洋設施輸送油或化學物質之申請案件作業要點」草案。整理國際船舶污染排放管理重要議題之國際公約內容,包含壓艙水公約、防止船舶污染公約、國際安全與無害環境拆船公約等,作為後續提出我國強化船舶污染排放管理之建議。蒐集國際公約、IOPC、CMI、中國、日本評估油污染對漁業之損害賠償方式。完成「船舶油污染事件漁業損害調查評估參考手冊草案」。整理歐盟、美國、加拿大、日本、澳大利亞、英國與中國等國際綠色港口推動現況,彙整國際綠色港口建構案例;蒐集國外綠色港口指標執行現況。完成綠色港口指標修正,進行台北港、麥寮港、高雄港、南方澳漁港之綠色港口指標試算。蒐集港務公司提出綠色港口的具體策略,研訂具體之「港口區域污染預防及削減管理計畫」,由港口管理單位自行管理區內相關事業。完成漁港污染管理宣導講義。
EngTitle Project for the marine pollution prevention and for the assessment of the effectiveness of implement
EngAbstract Collected and compared the difference between part 12 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and domestic marine legislation. Collected the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1997, OPRC-HNS Protocol, Hong Kong international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships, 2009, Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships 1973, BWM Convention, IAFS, Bunker, HNS, Intervention etc.Collected the marine dumping permit management regulations of Japan, US, UK, Canada, Australia, China, Hong Kong; completed the draft amendment to Marine Dumping Permit Management Regulations; collected information of marine dumping categories from United States, Japan and etc., and offered the suggestion of the analysis. Collected oil transport and pollution prevention implementation information from US, Singapore, Canada, Japan, China and etc., completed the draft amendment to operating guidelines for the approval of the public or private premises engaged in oil transportation. Compiled the foreign marine facility definitions and control mechanisms, and reference to the spirit of foreign marine pollution control act, provide the suggestions from the viewpoint of pollution risk management. Screened industries within the commercial and industrial harbor, there are 33 industries have set the storage tank and the total amount of storage tanks in the harbor is 993. Analyzed ' the plan of prevention and control of marine pollution ' application case in Taiwan, completed the draft amendment to ' utilize marine facilities to transport the application case of the oil or the chemical material '. Compiled the important issues within international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, which includes MARPOL convention, BWM Convention, Hong Kong international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships and etc., to strengthen the follow-up suggestion for controlling ship pollution. Collected international convention, IOPC, CMI, China and Japan their assessment methods of fisheries damage compensation from oil pollution. Completed the draft amendment to 'the oil contamination accident fishery pollution of shipping damages the investigation and assessment and consults the manual draft'. Compiled EU, US, Canada, Japan, Australia, UK, China and etc. those countries’ green port promotion status, and the construction case; collected the green port indexes and implement status. Revised the green port indexes, and tested green port indicators calculation on Taipei port, Mailiao port, Kaohsiung port and Nanfangao fishery port.Collected the green port strategies which proposed by the port affairs company, and developed 'the regional pollution of port prevents and cuts down the governing plan' to request port management authorities to manage industries within their administrative area. Completed the fishery port pollution management brochure to enhance public awareness.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司