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Title 101年度縣、鄉市及村里執行節能減碳宣導推動計畫
Abstract 『101年度縣、鄉市及村里執行節能減碳宣導推動計畫』執行期程自決標日起至101年12月31日,主要工作內容包含,節能減碳十大無悔措施落實、推廣營造低碳生活圈行動、綠網推廣及宣導活動辦理、低碳飲食蔬食日宣導、碳蔬食推廣活動、減碳書籍購置、繪編低碳旅遊手冊、創意環保宣導漫畫、低碳永續家園機制研商會、節能減碳績優單位補助款項核發、每月發布2則新聞稿,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至101年12月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)節能減碳十大無悔措施落實1.每月5日前確實填報「十大無悔措施具體落實績效表」,每月皆取得該項滿分。2.已於101年3月29日發布十大無悔措施機關各項頒布推動要點。3.印製標誌「冷氣開放中請隨手關門、窗」200份,已設計完成且分發給各級單位。4.推動轄內公務單位每週一日不開車、辦理會議或活動若供應餐盒時,以提供蔬食為原則,並禁用一次性餐具,且洗手間不提供擦手紙,已達成40個配合單位之目標,已於101年6月14日召開說明會議。5.協助管理維護龍門國小資源回收分類專區,並張貼清楚標示方向及回收分類內容與注意事項。(二)推廣營造低碳生活圈行動1.飯店(民宿)共計輔導224家,其中有178家配合自帶盥洗用具運動,15家停業中;另有30家無法配合實施,1家有意願配合但尚未實施,後續將持續追蹤。2.餐廳(小吃部)共計輔導351家,其中有316家已配合自備餐具與低碳(蔬)飲食,24家停業中;尚有10家未配合實施,1家有意願配合但尚未實施,後續將持續追蹤。3.營造低碳生活圈配合貼紙(餐廳及旅宿)計1,000份已於101年5月29日製作完成。(三)綠網推廣及宣導活動辦理1.設置熱門社群網站推廣綠網部落格,累積「讚」人數達546人。2.已提報17家民間企業及團體申請環保署節能減碳行動標章徵選活動,本(101)年10家提報業者獲得節能減碳行動標章的殊榮;且於101年12月17日辦理1場次節能減碳行動標章實地觀摩會議。3.共計辦理32場次節能減碳宣導活動,對象分別為公務機關、社區、學校與一般民眾。4.已租用輕型電動機車40輛次,廠牌包含中華、東庚、益通、易維特等,並回收有效問卷1,062份。(四)推動每週一日低碳飲食蔬食日宣導共計辦理10場次,對象分別為村里與學校。(五)結合學校舉辦低碳蔬食推廣活動共需辦理2場次,於101年9月22日辦理1場次低碳蔬食劇場演出,另1場次已結合元泰大飯店推出「低碳美食TO給樂活動」,活動時間為101年11月27日~12月20日止。(六)減碳專書購置目前已購置完13冊書籍共計160本。(七)繪編低碳旅遊手冊已編繪低碳旅遊手冊內容並印製500冊。(八)創意環保宣導漫畫設計及宣導品購置1.今年度將發布35則環保宣導漫畫,目前共計發布37則。2.宣導品於101年5月24日購置LED小夜燈600份,剩餘400份為LED燈鑰匙圈。(九)低碳永續家園機制研商會為動員本縣基層機關共同響應節能減碳,本計畫已於101年10月31日辦理2場次推動低碳永續家園機制研商會。(十)節能減碳績優單位補助款項核發合計補助3個鄉市公所、38個村里,總計47萬5,000元,已核撥完畢。(十一)新聞稿發布共需16則新聞稿,計發布17則。(十二)目前達成率:111.7%
EngTitle 2012 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions promotions project in county and village
EngAbstract “2012 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions promotions project in county and village” had begun from Apr.-13-2012 to Dec.-31-2012. There are several major items in this project, including practicing “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission”; “Eco-Life” website promotions; “eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions in the special day; “eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions ; purchasing reducing carbon emissions books for outside reading; making brochures for the low-carbon tourism; painting environmental cartoons; holding seminars of low-carbon lifestyle; appropriating subsidy for those which performed well on the “save energy & reduce carbon emission”; and publishing 4 press release per month, etc. The results as below:1. Practicing ten declarations of “save energy & reduce carbon emission”(1) Fill out the form. of “practicing ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission performance table” before the 5th of each month., this project got 100 points every month (2) This project released promotion points of “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government organizations on Mar.-29-2012.(3) This project printed 200 marks of “Please close the door and window, the air-conditioned opening” and to distribute government organizations.(4) This project promoted the “practicing ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government organizations.The subject matter as below:Don’t drive the car every Monday; providing fruit and vegetable replaced lunch boxes for holding meeting or event; don’t use disposable tableware; don’t provide paper towels in toilet. And there were 40 government agencies obeyed. This project also held a seminar for the above, on Jun.-14-2012.(5) This project assisted long-men elementary school to manage resource recovery and separation zone. Moreover, this project posted clearly marked direction and recycling segment content with notes.2. Promote low-carbon lifestyle(1) There were 224 eco-friendly hotels guided, in which there were 178 hotels practiced bring the toiletries on your own, 15 hotels closed, 30 hotels can’t practice and one willing to coordinate, but not yet implemented, this project will follow up this case.(2) There were 351 restaurants guided, in which there were 316 restaurants practiced bring the tableware on your own and “eat more vegetables and less meat”, 24 restaurants closed, 10 restaurants didn’t do it and one willing to coordinate, but not yet implemented, this project will follow up this case.(3) This project made 1,000 stickers for low-carbon lifestyle which finished on May. -29-2012.3. Promotions (1) Build up Green Network Blog, and there were 546 people like it.(2) This project proposed 17 private associations to participate the event of “save energy & reduce carbon emission action mark”, in which there were 10 private associations got it. Moreover, this project held 1 observation meeting of the “save energy & reduce carbon emission action mark”, on dec.-17-2012.(3) This project held 30 promotions of “save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government agencies, communities, schools and the public.(4) This project rented 40 light electric scooters; the manufacturer's brand was CMC, DK, E-Ton, and EVT respectively. And there were 1,062 questionnaires returned.4. “One day a week eat more vegetables and less meat” promotionThis project held 10 promotions for villages and schools.5. “Eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions cooperate with schoolsThis project held one promotion for “eat more vegetables and less meat” on Sep.-22-2012, and this project also held one “Low-carbon Good Foods Together” promotion that cooperate with Yentai Hotel ,from Nov.-27-2012 to Dec.-20-2012.6. Purchasing reducing carbon booksThis project purchased 160 books.7. Painting and printing brochures on low-carbon tourism This project printed 500 brochures on low-carbon tourism.8. Painting environmental cartoons and purchasing promotion gifts(1) This project issued 37 environmental cartoons in this year.(2) This project purchased 600 LED nightlights and 400 LED key rings.9. In the tasks of holding seminars of low-carbon lifestyle, this project held 2 seminars of promotion low-carbon lifestyle on Oct.-31-2012.10. In the tasks of the “save energy& reduce carbon emissions” subsidy, this project completed 3 townships and 38 villages appropriated, the total subsidy amount was NT$ 475,000.11. In the tasks of news, this project has issued 16 press releases.12. The rate of completion is 111.7%
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 澎湖縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司