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Title 101年科技及施政委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫
Abstract 本年度辦理「科技及施政委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫」,目的為整合環保科技資源,提升環保科技與施政計畫之品質,彙整計畫成果如下:環保署102年科技計畫先期規劃及管理作業:(1)協助辦理科技綱要計畫初審會議,研提6項科技綱要計畫(不含國家型)共48,021仟元;(2)配合環境資源部成立,協助分析現行各部會署科技計畫審議作業模式及架構,並辦理1場次溝通會議;(3)彙整環保署98~100年度科技計畫執行成果,包括:發表國內學術期刊或研討會計57篇、國際學術期刊或研討會共90篇,培育197個碩博士生、研究報告95本(篇);另外,為達到各項計畫的知識普及與擴散,辦理46場學術活動、形成15件教材、產出9項技術報告、參加23場技術活動、17件技術移轉、3年間促成廠商或產業團體投資26,167仟元等。科技計畫品質管理工作:(1)彙整100年度的執行成果績效,包括發表國內外論文18篇、研討會論文27篇、研究報告25篇等,針對101年度執行中計畫,協助完成GRB資訊系統連結與登錄;(2) 更新及維護環保署科技計畫922筆及空污防制科技研究合作計畫298筆;(3)完成辦理「101年環境科技論壇」,會中邀請產、官、學、研專家參與圓桌座談與談,並發表環保政策與科技研究、環保科技產學合作以及環境檢測等3大主題共10篇研究論文,計122人參加,問卷調查結果整體滿意度達93.9%,參加人員建議未來希望增加:廢棄物、噪音、綠色科技、環境資源部、環保標章等議題,將納入未來論壇主題之參考,使未來論壇知識傳遞趨向多元化。「環保創新科技研發」計畫管理與行政支援工作:(1)完成育成中心評選會議,確認接受補助之6個計畫,並協助辦理期中、期末審查會議及現場訪視作業等;(2)完成彙整92年至101年補助82項計畫執行成果,環保署合計投入補助130,680仟元,取得35項國內外專利,技術轉移數量32件技轉金達27,574仟元,經分析技轉金與投入金額之比率達21.1%,執行成果相當豐碩。辦理行政院國家科學委員會相關行政支援工作:(1)彙整環保署100年及101年度科技計畫績效報告上傳至國科會績效平台;(2)配合國科會需求,協助環保署所屬單位承辦人操作國科會科技計畫績效平台,進行101年細部計畫登錄,並完成101年知識產業化經費配置統計調查填報等相關工作;(3)利用奈米群組科技計畫成果問卷協助環保署追蹤98~100年奈米計畫執行成果,包括論文發表、研究報告、辦理及補助相關學術活動。
EngTitle Quality Management and Promotion for the 2013 TEPA’S Projects
EngAbstract The objective of this plan is to integrate a vast array of environmental protection technology resources, so as to boost the quality of proactive environment technology and policy implementation in the future. The outcomes of the project have been provided with an overview of 4 categories shown below:A. Preliminary planning of 2013 development scheme in environmental protection technology and management: 1. Organizing preliminary review meeting for 6 technology development projects budgeted with TWD 48.02 million in total;2. Bringing efforts in line with the establishment of Ministry of Environmental Resources, a Cross-ministry Conference on project coordination management has been held to analyze the current verifying modes and structures of relevant environmental protection technology projects cutting across ministries;3. Compiling performance of EPA 2009 ~ 2011 science & technology projects, which include 57 essays published in domestic journals or seminars, 90 theses issued in international academic journals, 197 Master and Ph.D. candidates drawn to participation of various projects with contribution of 95 academic papers. Among other things, in order to achieve the effective knowledge diffusion, there are 46 academic sessions held, 15 case study edited, 9 technical reports derived, 23 technical sessions participated, 17 cases of technology transfer fulfilled, over the course of 3 years, leading industry and manufacturer to realize the investment up to TWD 26.17 million;B. Management task in uplifting quality of administration policy and implementation of 2012 environmental protection technology projects:1. Compiling implementation performance in 2012, including 18 essays, 27 theses and 25 academic reports published in domestic and international journals; assisting in linking and logging in GRB information system for the 2012 projects in process; 2. Updating and keeping truth-maintenance 922 counts of EPA technology project reports and 298 counts of Air Pollution Fund project reports in database; 3. Organizing “2012 Environmental Science & Technology Forum” and a high level round table with elite experts invited from industry, government, academia and institute to take part in discussion, which carried three major themes such as Environmental Policy & Technology Research, Environmental Technology Academic-Industry Cooperation, as well as Environmental Testing, with a total of 10 research papers published. The Forum drew 122 participants with overall satisfaction rating of 93.9%, and proposed topics including waste, noise, green technology, Ministry of Environmental Resources, Green Mark System etc. to be explored and have expected the Forum to be more diversified in the future.C. Administrative support and management task of “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects”:1. Fulfilling appraisal meeting of incubation centers, confirm grant-in-aid to 6 projects, and help arranging mid-term, final review meetings as well as on-site visits; 2. Compiling performance between 2003 and 2012, EPA totally put in subsidies up to TWD 130.68 million for the 82 projects, which acquired 35 counts of domestic and foreign patents, and achieved 32 cases of technology transfer with royalty income of TWD 27.57 million. The ratio of grant-in-aid to royalty income is up to 21.1%, which is recognized as a fruitful effort.D. Conducting administrative support task relevant to National Science Council (NSC): 1. Compiling 2011/2012 EPA Performance Report on Science & Technology Program, and batch-upload to the NSC Performance Platform; 2. Assisting persons-in-charge from 6 divisions in EPA to adopt and operate the programmed system of NSC Performance Platform; to log in details of projects in 2012, and to take statistic, survey and fill-out of 2012 budget allocation for industrializing academic knowledge in Taiwan ;3. By way of questionnaire in outcome survey, assisting EPA to trace the performance of National Nanotech Group Projects between 2009 and 2011, which includes essays published, research reports presented and relevant academic activities held with grant-aided.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會