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Title 101年臺中市空氣品質資訊系統整合維護更新計畫
Abstract 「臺中市空氣品質資訊系統整合維護更新計畫」主要為整合匯入整合「營建工程污染管系統」之營建工地資料、CEMS監測數據、污染指紋資料庫等相關環境資訊,結合地理資訊系統技術,將相關資料統一彙整及展示,完整呈現空間位置及環境資料,未來環保局業務同仁可從本計畫系統查詢環境資訊,毋需登入不同系統及介面進行查詢。為有效以單一平台展示空品資訊,本計畫整合現有臺中工業區異味管制網站、臺中市柴油車排煙檢測站、臺中市空品淨化區網頁、臺中市空氣品質維護管理網頁、臺中市餐飲業油煙污染防制網、臺中市加油站油氣回收宣導網、臺中市稻草再利用資訊交換平台網、臺中市紙錢減量宣導網及臺中市政府綠能交通網等9大空氣品質計畫網站,以及結合地理資訊系統技術進行環境物件空間資訊呈現,建置「空氣品質聯合資訊平台」,做為提供空氣品質相關資訊統整之入口,不但可提升空品資訊取得之便利性、更能創造資訊的真正價值。由於在空氣污染的管制上,環保署除公告「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」,所有固定污染源皆須符合標準外,亦針對特定行業污染排放特性,訂定其他特定行業污染排放標準及管制方式(定檢、申報等),期能透過不同管制法規,更可有效管制污染排放。因此,本計畫針對臺中市之特定行業別包括石化製程行業、光電業、半導體業、汽車表面塗裝業、PU合成皮業及膠帶業等特定行業別建置網路申報及管理系統,以有效掌控各特定行業申辦情況。
EngTitle 2012 Integration and Maintenance of Air Quality Information System in Taichung City
EngAbstract The ”Project of integrating, maintaining and updating air quality information system of Taichung City” is to integrate and input environmental information, like data on construction sites in the integrated “Construction pollution pipeline system”, CEMS monitoring data, pollution fingerprint database, and, coupled with the technology of geographic information system, gather and display the related data to present spatial and environmental data in a complete manner. The coworkers at EPB will be able to query on environmental information from the system of this project without the need of logging in different systems and interface to do so.To effectively display information on air quality on one single platform, this project integrates nine existing websites of air quality project, including the website of odor control in Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung City diesel vehicle exhaust inspection station, the website of Taichung City air quality cleansing zone, the website of Taichung City air quality maintenance and management, the control web of Taichung City restaurant smoke pollution, the website of promotion of vapor recovery at gas stations in Taichung City, the website of information exchange on straw reuse in Taichung City, the website of promoting ghost money reduction in Taichung City, and the website of Green energy transportation of Taichung City, and, coupled with the technology of geo-information system, display spatial information on environmental objects. The project also implements the “platform of unified information on air quality” as the portal site for integrating air quality-related information, which enhances the ease of access to air quality information and creates true value of information as well.Besides the “standards for air contaminant emission by stationery polluting sources” promulgated by EPA, which requires every stationery polluting source to comply in respect of the control of air pollution, other standards and control schemes (regular inspection, reporting, etc.) for contaminant emission by special industries were also established, hoping to control the pollutant emission more effectively by means of different controlling regulations. Hence this project implements the online report and management system for special industries in Taichung City, including the petrochemical processes, photonic industry, semiconductor industry, car coating plants, PU leather and tape industry, to be effectively comprehensive of reporting and administration of these special industries.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 逢甲大學