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Title 光污染防制策略規劃及建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 目前民眾受到光污染的影響情形日漸嚴重,陳情案件增加,本計畫依據我國國情特性,進行LED螢幕型看板及LED組合式燈閃爍式光源影響因子、量測方法之探討,及量測程序草案研擬,並研提我國閃爍式光污染源防制對策建議。本計畫已完成國際間及國內法規蒐集彙整、科學研究文獻11篇之摘譯分析;完成國內15個縣市民眾陳情案件分析,選定亮度、眩光及閃爍為本計畫研究之光污染因子;完成LED螢幕型看板及LED組合式燈之眩光及閃爍2種量測方法的探討及量測程序草案研擬;完成131點次之亮度、眩光與閃爍量測,並搭配人因實驗結果,得出舒適級數(comfort rating)及閃爍級數(flicker rating)2評價經驗公式,並計算LED組合燈3種閃爍狀態的評價結果;完成2場專家諮詢會議及1場相關機關研商會議;並依據執行結果提出光污染防制相關建議。本計畫相關執行結果說明如下:一、眩光與閃爍量測方法:本計畫建議眩光量測方法,採用影像式亮度量測元件,紀錄待測場景的亮度分佈後,計算統一眩光指數(UGR);另關於閃爍量測方法,建議採用高速照度型光偵測器,紀錄照度隨時間的波形變化後,計算低通閃爍指數(LPFI)。二、眩光與閃爍評價經驗公式:將眩光與閃爍量測結果(統一眩光指數及低通閃爍指數之量測計算結果),搭配人因實驗所得舒適度與閃爍之平均笛波爾(de Bore)分數,得出舒適級數及閃爍級數2經驗公式,該2經驗公式均包含了眩光效應以及閃爍效應之貢獻,建議未來對閃爍式光污染的影響程度評價,可用兩者之一來評估計算即可。三、LED組合燈閃爍狀態的評價:依前述眩光及閃爍量測方法與影響程度評價經驗公式,量測計算閃爍、扇形掃描及放射掃描等3種狀態,其所得之平均舒適級數分別約為 4.9分、8.5分、5.1分,可知扇形掃描狀態較不會易引起民眾不舒適感受。四、有關光污染源防制對策,建議未來可分為行為管制、源頭管制、標準及法規等三個面向來進行。行為管制,可考量進行分區域、分時段及特殊情況等方式之管制;源頭管制,可考量訂定光源設置前之審查相關規定,例如訂定LED廣告看板功能性規格審查項目,確認其規格可以符合分區域、分時段管制規定後才准予設置,設置後,主管機關可查核該廣告看板是否符合申請設置時之規格;至於標準及法規,近期建議依現有法規規定進行廣告招牌之管理,中長期建議制定專法予以管理及管制。五、目前閃爍式光污染主要為LED看板播放動態畫面,以及LED組合燈呈現複雜動態圖案所造成的,建議未來針對彩色靜態畫面、彩色動態畫面,以及複雜圖案的閃爍所造成的閃爍式光污染,進行更深入之研究與探討分析。
EngTitle Light pollution control strategic planning and build
EngAbstract The impact of light pollution on people is become increasingly serious, petition cases also increased, based on the characteristics of conditions of our country, we study the flickering light pollution phenomenon, which include the test methods and impact factors study, and proposed a proposal of light pollution control strategy.In this project, we study 11 international laws and regulations and the scientific literatures, and 13 local laws and regulations, the light pollution appealing cases of 15 cities. We find out, the dominant appealing light sources are LED screens, and the dominant impact factors are dazzle, too bright and flicker, for the light pollution phenomenon. In summary, we will focus on the test methods study of glare and flicker of flickering light pollution. We also complete two expert advisory meetings, one light pollution relevant authorities of government and civil society discussion meeting, two test draft of glare and flicker of LED screen, and complete 128 physical test results of glare and flicker impact of LED screen. Based on the above study, we got a proposal of light pollution control strategy.In our study, we recommend to use image-type luminance measurement device to evaluate the glare induced by flickering light source, and use high speed illuminance-type light detector to record waveform and evaluate the flicker induced by flickering light source. Combine with the human factor experimental results and measuring results of glare and flicker of LED screen, we get comfort rating experienced model and flicker rating experienced model with a score value from one to nine. Both of these models are including glare effect and flicker effect with related weighting factors. Hence, we suggest using one of these models to evaluate the impact of flickering light pollution.In light pollution control recommendations, which can be divided into three categories, they are behavior control, source control, and standards and regulations control. Behavior control can be divided into sub regional control, time-zone control and special circumstances permit. On source control, starting from the set censorship before the light source is disposed; for example, set the LED screens functional specifications requirements to confirm its specifications can meet the sub regional and time-zone control values, authorities may also irregular spot checks to confirm the screens control values set in line with the application. In standards and regulations, use the current standards and regulations to control the light pollution, and revised standards and regulations or build new standards and regulations in long term. In current status, the major flickering light pollution sources are LED screens with motion picture content or LED combo lamps with complex patterns, hence we suggest studying flickering light pollution induced by the complex pattern of LED combo lamp or color images and color motion pictures of LED screen in the near future.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國計量工程學會