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Title 國內生質燃料的料源調查與應用評估
Abstract 本計畫針對國內較大宗的生質廢棄物-稻稈及廢棄香菇太空包,建立其做為生質燃料使用時可行性的分析,包含料源收集、處理及應用等模式。目前已完成國內外生質物料源收集、運輸及處理技術等文獻之蒐集,用以評估生質料源於國內應用的可行方案;並選定其一以稻稈為主、當地其他可用生質物為輔之示範區-彰化縣溪州鄉;另一個香菇太空包示範區-台中市新社區,調查香菇太空包木屑用量(含進口量)與廢料流向,於兩個示範區詳細進行料源收集、運輸、造粒與焙燒之成本分析與討論。此外,為使計畫順利進行,計畫執行期間已舉辦三次專家諮詢會議,由計畫主持人邀集相關專家、學者,以不同領域的角度就目前現地調查、技術可行性、經濟可行性等不同面向,提出專業諮詢意見。研究分析後之結果顯示,在兩個示範區建立生質顆粒燃料廠,其生質料源的供應無虞。料源若只經造粒而不焙燒所製成之顆粒燃料,與經焙燒製成之顆粒燃料相比較,其單位成本之熱值較高、而總成本較低,但經過焙燒後之生質燃料熱值可提升至與燃煤相近,相較於未經焙燒之生質物料,其能源密度可提升至原先之1.3倍,且為疏水性,易於保存。目前生質炭之成本雖高於燃煤,但低於燃料油之市場價格,其燃燒時污染排放較使用燃煤及重油為低,將來如果以生質廢棄物轉製之固態生質燃料,可朝向作為小型鍋爐燃料,取代原有重油鍋爐等方向推廣與應用。因此,同時考量成本及熱值,本研究建議不論是造粒或焙燒程序,若能提高產量,則設備成本與人力成本皆會降低,有利於維持生質燃料市場價格競爭力。
EngTitle Investigation and Evaluation of the Domestic Biomass Resources for Bio-fuel Application
EngAbstract The aim of this project is to develop the feasible collection, treatment and application model for two of the most abundant biomass resources - rice straw and wasted shiitake mushroom growth bags, as alternative fuel use. To evaluate feasible solutions for domestic application, referring and sorting out domestic and foreign literatures related to collection, transportation and technologies in treating biomass wastes has been completed. Two demonstration areas for different feedstock have been selected in this project. Xizhou Township, Zhanghua County is selected as the demonstration area, where rice straw will be utilized as major biomass resource mixed with some other local useable biomass wastes. Xinshe District, Taizhong City is selected as the demonstration area for using shiitake mushroom growth bags, which were investigated the quantity of sawdust used (including the imported amount) and the whereabouts of the wastes. Additionally, three expert consulting meetings have been held. From those invited experts and academics, expertise points of views in technical and economic feasibility, and on-site investigation would be helpful in conducting this project. The results showed that supply of the biomass feedstock is able to meet the demand for setting up the manufacturing plant in both demonstration areas. To compare the product for using and no using the torrification when manufacturing, the pellet product without torrification process owns higher heating value per unit cost, and lower total cost. However, the heating value of the torrified product can achieve to a level similar to the fuel coal, its energy density is 30% more than the non-torrified product. Also, its storage is much easier for its hydrophobic characteristics. For the time being, though the cost of biomass charcoal is higher than the fuel coal, it is still lower than the marketing price of the fuel oil and its emitted pollutant is lower than the fuel coal and heavy oil. In the future, if the biomass wastes will be converted to solid biomass fuel, it can be applied as the fuel of the small boiler and substitute the current heavy oil boiler. To consider both the cost and heating value, no matter if it is torrified or not, it is proposed that both primary equipment and labor cost will be significantly decreased if the yield capacity can be increased to certain level, and will be highly competitive in biomass fuel market.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學生物能源研究中心