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Title 車輛二氧化碳排放管制計畫
Abstract 彙整與探討國外車輛二氧化碳排放數據及管制策略,了解國外技術與法規趨勢,並參考國外管制架構,提出國內車輛未來可行之減量策略方針。另調查國內小客車自願性減量協議簽署廠商近三年減碳成效,估計透過協議簽署已減少36,151噸CO2排放,汎德、台灣賓士及和泰汽車均已提前達到15%的減量目標。考量國際上車輛二氧化碳排放管制多已訂立強制性法規,首先在基礎參數部分,蒐集國內新車數據進行線性車重及覆蓋足跡比較分析,考量國內現況,建議未來強制性法規以車重參數為基礎,未來視國內產業及國際現況進行調整。其次為避免新車二氧化碳管制標準實施後,現今雙軌制測試程序會造成管制上的不一致性,廠商也可無須額外測試造成成本負擔,選定28輛小貨車進行歐盟及美國測試程序轉換係數研究,研究結果顯示轉換係數不隨著不同排氣量等級、是否使用渦輪增壓裝置及油品類別而有所差異,數值約介於1.04~1.30之間,建議轉換係數以單一數值做為基準,即NEDC_CO2= FTP_CO2×1.15 。透過兩場專家座談會的舉辦,提出小貨車二氧化碳排放管制標準(草案),方案(一)建議加嚴車輛容許耗用能源管理辦法;方案(二)建議納入整廠總量管理概念,設定2015年需達205g/km之國家目標,且可考量透過兩階段斜率與納入相關彈性措施,舒緩廠商衝擊。最後透過國際期刊投稿,說明國內近年車輛二氧化碳管制政策,除可提升國際能見度外,並宣示我國持續推動車輛二氧化碳管理之決心。
EngTitle Setting vehicle CO2 emission regulations and control strategies
EngAbstract This project has completed the following objectives: collected foreign countries’ vehicle test data on CO2 emissions; surveyed current available energy saving technologies and CO2 control strategies in the world; took the trends of regulatory frameworks being implemented by advance countries as basis to propose future vehicle CO2 emissions reduction strategies in Taiwan.Current investigations show that BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Hotai Motor of the Voluntary Agreement signees have achieved their targets of 15% CO2 reduction. Through the Voluntary Agreements, about 36,151 tons of CO2 reduction has been accomplished in recent three years.Considered the linear vehicle mass in Europe and footprint in US were used as control parameter units for their mandatory CO2 emissions standards, the advantages and weakness were the discussion topics for two experts meetings held by this project. Take current conditions of vehicle industry in Taiwan into consideration, the linear vehicle mass based CO2 emissions standards are more viable, and may be adjusted in the future if conditions of vehicle industry have changed. Two different vehicle CO2 emission standards were being proposed in this project. The first one is to set more stringent vehicle fuel economy standards, and the second one is to adopt corporate average emission standards, in which the average 205g/km of CO2 emissions from new light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs was set as our national target to be achieved by 2015. Two slopes for the control target lines and flexible measures were provided to mitigate impacts on manufacturers.Both the EU and the US test driving cycles are recognized in Taiwan, to avoid inconsistent of the two test procedures and not to add burdens on manufacturers, this project tested 28 light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs, performed best fit of the test results to get conversion factors between the two driving cycles. The results show that the conversion factors for light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs with different engine sizes were between 1.04 and 1.30, the effect of turbo charge and fuel types were not relevant. A single conversion factor of 1.15 is proposed to be used as shown in the following formula: NEDC_CO2= FTP_CO2*1.15.Finally, to increase Taiwan’s international visibility and declare our determination to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles, this project has submitted its execution summary report to an international journal and expects to be published in the future.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院