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Title 101年桃園縣南崁溪及老街溪等流域水污染源科學稽查管制計畫
Abstract 桃園縣水污染來源為生活污水及工廠廢水,縣內工廠規模變異大且家數多,故所排放之污染物種類與數量差異也亦大。礙於環保機關檢驗及查核人力有限、經費短缺、事業單位非法偷排手法日異翻新,使得稽查取締非法偷排行為的工作更加困難,故本計畫援用可行之科學儀器設備協助蒐證方式,以分擔查核所需人力及物力,提昇稽查效率,降低本縣河川污染負荷,改善河川水質。本計畫已完成18家事業之初評前現勘及現場初評作業,所有事業均出現廢水處理流程與許可不符合的情況,已依評鑑委員之意見建議業者進行許可變更與功能改善;在已完成103家許可深度查核事業中,其中有63家事業不符合法令規範的情形,佔103家查核對象61%;其次是不符合許可事項的有51家,佔總查核家數之50%;而設備維護不良與疑似有繞流排放行為者,各有15家與佔總查核家數之15%,本計畫已彙整事業相關缺失,並依缺失嚴重程度排列優先順序,提送至環保局,環保局依提供之名單完成告發處分31家;本計畫執行期間已利用水質連續監測儀器、管內檢視錄影器、3G無限網路攝影機等設備協助環保局查獲30件暗管及重大水污染事件,無主暗管已由本計畫完成封閉,後續將持續協助環保局查獲違法廠商,以杜絕事業單位進行水體之污染;在水源區養豬拆除補償戶巡查作業,24家養豬拆遷補償戶皆已停養或已變更地目另作他用。本計畫已完成第二季11座工業區或園區日、夜間雨水道放流口與廢水處理廠放流口水質監測工作,101年第二季與水道巡查與監測工作共發現18件許可放流口及37件雨水道放流口水質異常事件,許可放流口水質年合格率為86.3%,雨水道水質年合格率為95.2%,現場均立即告知工業區服務中心人員,使工業區服務中心能立即以查證權進行污染源追蹤與處理,並將現場狀況回報環保局,後續將持續追蹤異常水質之雨水道,並協助追蹤污染源,比較近三年本縣各工業區雨水道監測合格率,合格率維持在95%上下。為獎勵各列管工業區做好自主管理工作及區內事業污染查證工作,本計畫已完成訂定101年度「工業區或園區下水道管理機構水污染自主管理獎勵辦法」,並完成辦理本年度第2季與第3季工業區或園區自主管理成效會議,與各工業區討論列管案件之執行情形及進度。本計畫已於大坑缺溪流域竹科龍潭園區放流口、大坑缺橋、平鎮工業區放流口及平鎮一號橋等四處建置天羅(監視器)及地網(水質自動連續監測器)河川污染監測預警蒐證系統,現場監測數據透過有線或無線方式傳至接收伺服器,環保局可隨時監控河川水質及重大污染源廢水排放情形,並能在水質異常時以手機簡訊通報環保單位,藉以提高稽查品質及對業者進行遏阻。系統建置後2週本計畫辦理第一場系統使用操作教育訓練,加強人員對於設備運用的熟悉度。截至11月底天羅地網系統共監測到21筆異常通報事件,主要為平鎮工業區雨水放流口(RD01)排出大量泡沫廢水、大坑缺橋下方出現大量異常黃褐色河水及龍科園區營建工地排放未妥善處理之逕流廢水至大坑缺溪,本計畫人員在接獲異常簡訊後,立即通報環保局,並運用移動式天羅地網系統追蹤污染源,成功協助查獲7處重大污染源。本計畫每二星期至少進行1次水質自動連續監測器維護保養校正工作,並做成維護保養校正紀錄,以確保水質儀器設備水質分析之合理性、準確性、即時性。
EngTitle Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project, 2012
EngAbstract The main water pollution sources can be classified into household sewage and industrial wastewater. The ultimate resolution to household sewage is the construction of sewage system which directs all sewage from each house to sewage treatment plant before discharging into the rivers. Furthermore, Industrial wastewater management will require measures from government bodies such as discharge and permit audit, wastewater treatment facility inspection, and consultation to the management of wastewater. Due to the insufficient of funding, resources and technologies, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County (TYEPB) has initiated the Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project to invite consulting bodies to assist in water pollution prevention businesses.The performance of major tasks in the project and the execution results are stated as follows:The project had established a group of specialists to undertake 18 wastewater treatment facilities (WTF) functional inspections and to provide pragmatic suggestions for the management of WTF. The project had completed onsite in-depth water pollution permit audit and investigation to 103 factories. Among those 103 factories, 63 factories fall short of Water Pollution Act, 51 factories’ WTF processes or operations did not meet their water pollution prevention permit, and 15 factories were suspected to have illicit discharge. The project had recorded the investigation results, and filed to the TYEPB. The TYEPB had taken necessary administration actions to accuse and fine 31 factories. In addition, the project had successfully implemented scientific instruments such as automatic water quality monitoring system, 3G video surveillance camera and LED inner pipe recording facility in the investigation of 30 illicit discharges. All the illicit discharges had been removed and their owners were fined and forced to improve their WTF.In order to monitor the storm drainages water quality of industrial zone or park, a total of 62 sites with 756 points of water quality sampling were executed. It was found that the overall pass rate of WTF discharges of 11 industrial zones were 86.3%, and the overall pass rate of storm drainage of all industrial zone were 95.2%. The project had forwarded the abnormal sampling analysis results to associated industrial zone service center to allow improvement on wastewater treatment efficiency. In addition to industrial zone wastewater management, the project had conducted three industrial zone self-management conferences in May, September, and December of 2012 to encourage industrial zone service center placing more efforts and attentions in water pollution prevention of industrial zone.Furthermore, the project had implemented Skynet water pollution monitoring system on Da Keng Chue Creek. In the first stage of execution, the project had conducted a thorough investigation on the water quantity and quality of the creek and based on the surveyed information to select four sites for the fixed Skynet water pollution monitoring system installation. The second stage was to successfully install 4 monitoring sites at Long Tang Technology Park wastewater discharge, Da Keng Chue Bridge, Pingjhen Industrial Zone discharge, and Pingjhen Bridge. The main functions of the Skynet included 1. continuously water quality monitoring, the substance of monitoring were pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Electrical Conductivity and Suspended Solid; 2. river water environment 24hrs surveillance monitoring; 3. abnormal water quality message warning. The third stage of the project was to conduct two user training sessions to allow users familiarizing the functions of the system. The Skynet water monitoring system was continuously in operation for 6 months, and was routinely maintained fortnightly. Throughout the operation, the system had detected 21 abnormal incidents. In follow up of those abnormalities, the project had applied mobile Skynet water pollution monitoring systems in the investigation of the pollution resources. The project had successfully determined seven water pollution sources and forwarded to the TYEPB to take legal actions against the polluters.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司