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Title 101年度綠色消費宣導及民間綠色採購推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環保署、直轄市及縣市環保局自96年起推動「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」,結合工廠、公司、非營利組織、旅館飯店、醫院、私立學校、宗教團體、社區組織等力量共同辦理,以創造綠色商機及降低交易成本為誘因,期望將供應端、銷售端及消費端三方契合串連,並藉由教育宣導提昇全民對綠色消費的認同及環保標章的認識,進而優先採購環保產品,達成經濟與環保雙贏,發揮環境預防功能,讓全民享有健康安全的生活環境。本計畫100年度執行成果包括:(1)於環保署綠色生活資訊網開設綠色商店系統及辦理績優「連鎖型」及「社區型」綠色商店表揚活動,並輔導、鼓勵逾10,995家合法賣場登錄為綠色商店,取得使用綠色商店標誌,公布店內販售環保、節能、省水等標章之產品種類,提供民眾查詢,就近購買。(2)建立推動綠色消費人才庫,目前登錄種子人員627人,協助查核綠色商店及深入社區、企業、學校、機關推廣綠色消費,共計辦理1,695場次之推廣活動。(3)全台共有182家旅宿業者簽署同意參與綠行動傳唱計畫,並達到5萬4千人次民眾熱情參與,共同支持住宿旅宿自攜盥洗用具的綠行動方案(4)輔導企業、團體及民眾實施綠色採購,金額逾167億元。(5)辦理1屆企業環保座談會,共有664家民間企業及團體簽署綠色採購同意書。為延續過去民間綠色消費推動成果及擴大其成效,特規劃本(101)年度工作項目、執行內容及評比考核等相關事宜,並以「綠色消費與生活」為主軸,辦理500大企業輔導、輔導婚紗(顧)業者參與低碳婚禮、輔導旅宿業者參與綠行動傳唱計畫,進而申請環保旅館、輔導餐飲業者落實環境管理,進而申請環保小吃、結合綠色商店行銷活動及地方特色活動,宣導綠色消費及生活指引手冊、依據綠色商店設置規範,清查社區型綠色商店及抽查連鎖型綠色商店之綠色商品陳列情形、調查綠色商品仿冒情形及各類環保標章品及非環保標章商品之價格,及辦理綠色生活及消費相關系列活動,以期提昇國民綠色消費正確概念,進而帶動綠色採購,創造綠色商機。
EngTitle Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement
EngAbstract The objective of this project, Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement designed to collaborate with private enterprises, organizations, stores, volunteers, school and institutions, hotel and lodging industry, wedding houses and catering business etc., is to raise campaign for consuming products and services with Green Mark and living with elegant simplicity. In line with the themes of “Let’s go LOHAS” and “Get discount of going green”, the outcome of implementation is summarized as follows:(1)Holding 3 kick-off meetings for the “Project on taking in green procurement among private enterprises and organizations”;(2)Counseling 1,310 private companies on promoting green life and consumption. There are 196 enterprises signed an agreement of green purchasing, and the amount of green procurement is claimed to be NTD 660 million;(3)Assisting private sectors to log in the green products containing with 1,370 characteristics in total;(4)Conducting 10 sessions of “Advocating Eco labeling events”, which drew attendee of 28,775;(5)Holding 6 promoting events of “Going Green” coordinated with Zojirushi Taiwan and UFO Network, which broadcasted content of “Advocating Eco labeling” and made clear of the essence to the audience of 18 million people;(6)Holding 5 press conferences relevant to “Green Life and Consumption” and carrying 112 media coverage;(7)Counseling 449 enterprises consisted of hotel and lodging industry, wedding houses and catering business etc. to promote “Green Life and Consumption”, and assisting 16 newly-wed couples to take green wedding well in place;(8)Conducting “Green Wedding Exhibition” for 3 consecutive days, which is recognized as sensational promotion drawn more than 12,000 people visited.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會