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Title 兩岸環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫
Abstract 近年來國際環保趨勢已由地區性擴大為全球性,污染防治技術亦由過去單純之管末處理,發展朝向污染預防的整體改善,隨著貿易與環保爭端的增加,「環保議題之技術性貿易障礙」顯示「企業環保商機化」時代已來臨,目前國際之趨勢為推動「永續產業發展」,因此如何配合「永續發展」來調整推動整個國家的產業結構,並進而提升產業競爭力,以因應綠色產業的世界潮流,成為當前最重要的課題。有鑒於大陸產業發展迅速,而所面對的空氣污染、水污染、廢棄物處理、生態保育、低碳與綠色產業等問題亦日趨嚴重。中國大陸環保產業發展隨著經濟腳步同時發展,「十二五」規劃中亦著重強調節能減排與環境保護。十二五規劃是中國大陸結構轉型的關鍵時期,以內需平衡出口帶動經濟成長的策略,為台商帶來許多商機。依WTO 服務貿易承諾規定,大陸於2002年已開放環境保護服務業進入大陸市場,國內亦准許陸資企業進入臺灣市場,惟雙方均有相關法規制度及商業競爭限制,致使環境保護服務業進入大陸市場困難重重。「兩岸環保服務業交流平臺」係一資訊整合的交流平臺,先藉由資料蒐集分析、交流互訪、研討協商等程序,了解業者進入大陸市場的現況、投資意願及障礙,最終再至ECFA服務貿易協議,以期能協助業者拓展大陸市場。
EngTitle Cross-strait environmental services industry exchange platform
EngAbstract International trend of environmental protection in recent years has grown from a regional expansion into a global, pollution control technologies from the past simple of pipe end processing, development of overall improvement towards pollution prevention, with the increase in trade and environmental disputes, "environmental issues of technical barriers to trade" display "corporate environmental opportunity" era has arrived, the current international trend to promote "sustainable industrial development", so how " Sustainable development "to adjust the industrial structure of the whole country, and in turn, improve industrial competitiveness, in response to world trends of green industries, become the most important issue.In view of the rapid development of the mainland industries, and the air pollution, water pollution, waste disposal, ecological conservation, low-carbon and green industry is becoming a serious problem. Development of environmental protection industry as the pace of economic development in mainland China, the "12th Five-Year Plan " also emphasizes energy conservation and environmental protection. Twelve-Five planning is the key to restructuring in mainland China, to domestic demand to balance export-led economic growth strategy, many opportunities for Taiwanese businessmen.According to WTO commitments on trade in services provisions, in the 2002 open environmental protection services into the mainland market in mainland, domestic land-funded enterprises, would also be allowed to enter Taiwan market, subject to the relevant regulations and commercial competition both limits, resulting in difficulties in environmental protection services into the mainland market. "Environmental protection services across the Taiwan Strait Exchange platform" of a communication platform for the integration of information, through data collection, analysis, exchange of visits and seminars consultation procedures, understanding of the status of the workers entered the mainland market, investment and obstacles and eventually to the ECFA agreement on trade in services, with a view to assist industry to develop the mainland market.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境永續發展基金會