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Title 兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流計畫
Abstract 基於世界貿易組織(WTO)基本原則,透過簽署「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協定」,以進一步增進雙方的貿易與投資之合作機制,因而建立兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流平臺。已完成之工作內容如下:一、研究目前病媒防治業進入兩岸市場之實際情況。二、研究病媒防治業進入兩岸市場的投資障礙、困境,提出建議對策。三、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治相關管理法規(含中央、地方之法令規定),並與臺灣地區法規對照及進行分析比較,並隨時更新。四、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治投資趨勢分析,相關交流活動資訊、活動成果及心得,分享於交流平臺(。五、建置兩岸環境衛生殺蟲劑及害蟲名詞對照表,供雙方專業人士參考。六、加強與分組會員的聯繫及資訊整合。七、相關資訊上傳至交流平臺(,設專責人員執行資訊系統。完成臺灣地區753家病媒防治業進入大陸地區市場實際情況調查,以瞭解病媒防治業進入大陸地區市場之實際現況、未來潛力及投資障礙、困境之結果分析及整合。完成上傳法令標準32則、產業資訊58則、交流訊息43則、專題介紹15則,相關網站7則,共155則,並完成辦理2場工作檢討會,及進行兩岸病媒防治環保服務業至北京-上海-南京之交流,參加第29屆全國衛生殺蟲藥械學術交流會、第四屆媒介生物可持續控制國際論壇暨第一屆亞太重要傳染病與熱帶病防控國際研討會。綜合以上結果,由於病媒防治是特殊的服務業,雙方必須經由技術認證循平等互惠、循序漸進的原則,希望藉由本平臺之建置,逐步提升海峽兩岸病媒防治環保服務業之經貿合作。
EngTitle Studies in the information exchange platform of pest management operator services of both sides of C
EngAbstract Based on the basic principles of World Trade Organization (WTO), and the signed of " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)“, further promote the relationship between trade and investment, the establishment of mechanisms conducted to the prosperity and development of Cross-Strait economic cooperation, thus establishing Cross-Strait information exchange platform for pest management operator services. The main elements of the work were carried out as following:1. To survey the current situation of pest management operator industry to enter the cross-strait market realities.2. To survey the market obstacles, difficulties, recommend countermeasures of the pest management operator services industry to enter Cross-Strait market.3. To collect pest management operator services of related regulations (Decree of the federal and local) in Cross-Strait and compare the difference.4. To understand the intelligence, trends and investment of pest management operator services industry in mainland and Taiwan.5. To promote activities related to establishing cross-strait information exchange platform( , professional terms for insecticides and pest names translation table.6. To strengthen links with the group members and information integration.7. The relevant information uploaded to Exchange platform(, set up a task force personnel management information system.Through the exchange of relevant information and the investigation, we surveyed 753 pest management operator services on entering the mainland market in Taiwan, and realized the actual situation of pest management operator services industry to enter the market status, future potential and actual investment obstacles, difficulties, recommend countermeasures and investigated how many Taiwan Pest Control Association member. We collected the reference articles of 32 low and policy, 58 industry information, 43 exchange messages ,15 lecture articles and 7 relative websites.Two workshop sessions and exchange the information of pest management operator services (Beijing - Shanghai - Nanjing), participated in the 29th National Hygienic Insecticides & Equipments Symposium and the fourth information Forum for Sustainable for sustainable vector management 25th -29th,Haikou, Hainan,China..Based on the results, due to the pest management operator services is a special technical service, both must be approved by the technical certification on the equality and mutual benefits by the principle of gradual and orderly progress. Through the platform establishing, the economic cooperation of both sides of Cross-Strait will be promoted gradually.Key words: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, pest management operator services, information exchange platform
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 高雄大學