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Title 車用汽、柴油品質現場查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程為101年1月9日至12月31日,主要工作內容為依據『空氣污染防制費收費辦法』辦理移動污染源空氣污染防制費審查作業、依據『車用汽柴油販賣進口許可及管理辦法』及『車用汽柴油成分管制標準』,對製造者及進口者之廠(場)區、成品儲槽、油庫、銷售地點或其他公私場所,查核相關資料及檢測汽柴油品質以及持續蒐集國內外油品(含生質燃料)管制相關資料。本計畫統計101年1~12月全國計徵收汽柴油空污費約28.92億元,較100年1~12月減少約0.84%,汽柴油月平均申報量與100年比較變化幅度均不大。於空污費網路申報系統方面,第1~4季弱點掃瞄結果顯示,系統並無存在任何潛在風險。另分析業者汽油硫含量,各煉油廠1~12月檢驗結果介於2.21~8.54 mg/kg,已符合101年修正後管制標準;各煉油廠1~12月柴油硫含量檢驗結果介於2~7.65 mg/kg,亦符合管制標準。於現場查核方面完成1~12月煉油廠143組、供油中心之144組及加油站123組之汽柴油採樣,檢驗結果均符合「車用汽柴油成分管制標準」;4~5月份並完成7家生質柴油業者現場查核。國外管制規範方面,歐盟燃料品質規範之重點包含禁用含鉛汽油及降低燃料硫含量,美國環保署則依據各項評估計畫(如新配方汽油計畫、汽油硫含量限制計畫、移動源空氣污染物計畫等)研擬相關管制規範,亞洲國家如日本、南韓、香港特別行政區及我國多遵循歐盟相關規範,並歸納出目前全球管制規範之趨勢走向,即低硫化、低苯化及低添加劑等3大重點,另就我國管制規範適切性提出相關建議。2場油品稽察管制業務成果座談會議已於7月4日及12月4日分別於台北市及台中市辦理完畢,根據各單位執行油品稽查經驗,建議多輔以夜間時段進行查核,尤以夜間運輸頻率高之貨車為主要攔檢對象,提高查緝效率。101年全國非法油品稽查不合格率為0.14%,1~12月份地方執行機關已提供30組疑似非法油品之樣品,經GC/FID及GC/MS分析圖譜比對後判定為漁船用油等異常情形共計6組。
EngTitle The Field Inspection for the Quality of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
EngAbstract The project period was from Jan 9, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. The tasks included auditing the air pollution control fee for non-stationary pollution sources based on the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”, inspecting the data and testing the quality of gasoline and diesel fuels in producers/importers’ refineries, storages, depots, retails and other distribution places based on the “Selling and Importing Permit Management of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels” and the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”, and collecting and analyzing the foreign and domestic regulations of fuels(including bio-fuel). From January to December, the air pollution control fee of both gasoline and diesel collected was 2.892 billion NT dollars. It decreased about 0.84%comparing to last year. The monthly average reporting volumes of gasoline and diesel also changed but within a minor range. About the web reporting system of air pollution control fees, the scanning results of 4 quarters showed no vulnerabilities. The average sulfur contents of gasoline produced by domestic refineries were between 2.21~8.54 mg/kg from January to December. The results already reached the 2012’s new standard. The average sulfur contents of diesel were between 2~7.65 mg/kg which also complied with the standard. For the field inspection, the sampling number of gasoline and diesel fuels was 143 for refineries, 144 for depots, and 123 for gas stations. All the testing results complied with the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”. Besides, the field inspections of 7 bio-diesel entities had been finished during April to May. In the aspect of foreign fuel regulations, the main purposes of the fuel quality regulations in European Union were unleaded gasoline and low sulfur content. US Environmental Protection Agency promulgated fuel regulations based on the various evaluation projects including Reformulated Gasoline project, Tier 2 project, and Mobile Source Air Toxics project. Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan are following the fuel regulation of European Union mostly. The project concluded the global tendency for the fuel regulation, that is, low sulfur, low benzene and low additives. It also provided the suggestions for the regulation standards. 2 fuel inspection tasks and achievements forums had been hold in Taipei on 4th July and in Taichung on 4th December respectively. According to the fuel inspection experiences of municipalities, inspecting at night was more effective. For raising the rate of successful inspection, the transportation truck running frequently during night time should be the target. The unqualified rate of domestic illegal fuels from January to December was 0.14%. The municipalities provided 30 illegal fuel samples for testing during the project time. All the samples had been analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS equipment, there found 6 abnormal samples which confirmed as fishing vessels fuels by the spectrum comparison.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會