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Title 101年度南區低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案計畫
Abstract 為落實行政院低碳永續家園轉型之政策願景,行政院環保署於民國101年主辦「低碳永續家園推動方案」,延續民國100年「低碳城市建構對象競逐遴選及先期作業規劃專案計畫」所規劃之4大低碳生活圈(北區、中區、南區、東區)與4個低碳示範城市架構,由北區新北市、中區台中市、南區臺南市與東區宜蘭縣4個低碳示範城市成為生活圈之領導城市,並於民國101年接受環保署補助辦理各區之「低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案」各別推動各生活圈之低碳永續之重要課題與解決方案。其中本計畫便代表南區生活圈的「低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案」,協助臺南市政府統籌南區五縣市:嘉義縣、嘉義市、臺南市、高雄市與屏東縣,辦理相關規劃、整合與推動工作,並透過生活圈、縣市、鄉鎮市區與村里各層級之年度評比機制,逐步完成推動體系之運作機能,同步尋找各地區當前低碳永續之重要課題與解決方案,逐步提升全國各村里所有成員與設施之低碳永續程度。本計畫的主要工作內容包括:(1)成立生活圈十大運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組與推動協調小組,並召開南區低碳運作機能之諮詢與推動會議;(2)蒐集國內外生活圈十大運作機能技術路徑圖,規劃南區十大運作機能行動項目路徑圖;(3)建立管考及評比之項目與評定方法及綜評方法;(4)撰寫南區低碳永續生活圈十大運作機能推動方案計畫書;(5)建構南區生活圈十大運作機能技術資訊系統平台;(6)輔導南部生活圈低碳示範社區及鄉鎮市參與年度評比機制並辦理一場次南區低碳永續生活圈推動方案研討會。
EngTitle Project of Planning and Promotion of Low-carbon and Sustainable Living Area of Southern District
EngAbstract In order to carry out the vision of policy of transformation of the low-carbon and sustainable society, Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan initialized "The Executive Program of Low-carbon Sustainable Society” in 2012 and continued to the framework of 4 low-carbon exemplary cities, New Taipei City presented northern district, Taichung City presented central district ,Tainan City presented southern district , and Ilan County presented eastern district, from 4 district planned by "The Preliminary Plan of Low-carbon Cities Competition and Selection”. In 2012, the 4 exemplary cities gained the project grants from EPA to plan the promotion and solution of important issues of low carbon and sustainable district.Whereas this project presented the program of planning and promotion of low-carbon and sustainable of southern district assist Tainan City Government to coordinate the southern district: Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City , Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County to handle, plan as well as integrated associated works to promote the southern low carbon sustainable level for the public.Eventually, the main tasks of this project are described as below:(1)To establish the advisory and implemental group of ten low carbon operations of southern district and to held the meeting for consultation and promotion.(2)To collect domestic and international low carbon technical road map and to analyze the feasible of road map for southern district.(3)To establish the evaluation methods, appraisal indexes and comprehensive mechanism. (4)To complete the planning and implemental book of ten operation for low-carbon and sustainability of southern district.(5)To plan and to construct ten operations information IT systems for low-carbon and sustainability.(6)To counsel and assist southern demonstration communities and townships to participate appraisal mechanism and place one published seminar.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司