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Title 擬訂資源循環實施策略及行動計畫專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行重點為配合國內廢棄資源物循環利用及管理策略,引進國際資源循環零廢棄相關實施策略,探討國內現況,並研擬資源循環實施策略及行動計畫。已完成蒐集並彙整德國、經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、歐盟(EU)、芬蘭、荷蘭、丹麥、英國、美國、日本及比利時對於資源循環零廢棄相關作法,並完成摘譯15篇近10年相關國際研究論文或報告,其重點為:(1)建構永續物質管理(2)綠色設計、生產及消費 (3)強化源頭減量(4)發展垃圾低碳清運系統(5)規劃妥適最終處理設施(6)地方特色 (7)水資源循環(8)其他創新作為。已完成發表國內外期刊論文等發表,並研提資源循環零廢棄實施策略規劃專案計畫書–草案。配合我國環保署低碳永續家園推動方案規劃作業,已召開5次諮詢小組會議,擬訂實施策略行動方案推動重點,且參與其它諮詢小組會議共25場次及「低碳永續家園評等認證行動項目專家咖啡館系列會議」,其研擬資源循環行動項目為:(1)巨大廢棄物再生再利用計畫 (2)建立資源化物質分析交換平台 (3)污水循環再利用 (4)資源循環教育與宣導(5)廚餘再利用系統 (6)堆肥資源化 (7)推動廢棄物資源集中分類回收場(8)農業廢棄物回收再利用計畫 (9)舊建物保存再利用(10)建立減廢夥伴 (11)推動資源循環友善農場 (12)使用省水器材 (13)雨水回收再利用(14)熱處理回收燃料工廠 (15)低溫炭化低碳工廠。展望未來,將以建立完整的資源回收體系,發展低碳永續家園之優質生活環境。
EngTitle Resource Recycling Policy Implementation of Strategy and Action Planning
EngAbstract In coordination with the domestic regarding waste resource recycling and management strategies, this project aims to introduce international related implementation strategies and explore current status in Taiwan and develop corresponding resource recycling implementation strategies and action plans and project work plans. Information regarding measures of resource recycling and zero waste in different countries has been collected. A total of 15 articles from international journals in the recent 10 years have been extracted and translated. The key points are: constructing sustainable material management, green design, production and consumption, enhancing source reduction, developing low-carbon waste transportation system, well planning final disposal facilities, local characteristics, waste resource recycling, and other innovative actions. The thesis has been published in domestic and foreign journals and the draft of the Resource Recycling and Zero Waste Implementation Strategy Project Plan. Following the planning operation of the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Project, five consulting team meeting have been held. And we have participated in 25 other consulting group meetings regarding planning for resource recycling action items. In the future, a complete resource recycling system will be built, for the purpose of developing a high-quality living environment for the low-carbon sustainable homeland.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學