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Title 執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 本年度『停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫』執行期程自101年9月11日至101年12月31日止,主要蒐集、規劃本縣停車怠速熄火管制目標及策略、辦理停車怠速熄火大型宣導會、舉辦停車怠速熄火政策說明會、辦理停車怠速熄火宣導活動、製作宣導文宣以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至101年12月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)完成蒐集及本縣停車怠速熄火管制目標及策略規劃。蒐集各國怠速熄火的法規及其執行現況,並條列出各項怠速熄火執行策略以供參考,其相關報告已呈交至環保局。(二)於9月22日配合澎湖縣政府舉辦「101年澎湖縣低碳島鐵馬逍遙遊活動」大型宣導活動,藉由活動能讓民眾了解停車怠速熄火的各項好處,進而能夠自主管理並遵守停車怠速熄火相關法規,(三)於10月16日假環保局會議室辦理停車怠速熄火政策說明會,由環保局馬副局長為說明會開場致詞,另邀請環保署空保處張和中先生前來為說明會主講。政策說明會活動當天共有74人參與。(四)辦理停車怠速熄火宣導活動1.停車怠速熄火宣導活動目標40場次,辦理完成40場次,宣導人次達1,802人。2.配合宣導活動相關作業,製作完成宣導海報200份、宣導單張4,000份、購置宣導品2,000份。3.租用2處LED電子螢幕看板,連續2個月播放停車怠速熄火標語及影片。4.完成10處次停車怠速熄火固定式宣導看板設置。(五)停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業1.於10月23日完成辦理停車怠速熄火稽查實務說明會1場次。2.配合停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業,製作停車怠速熄火勸導單1,500份。3.完成稽查停車怠速車輛,並開立勸導單50輛次。(六)民眾反應及滿意度1.宣導新聞稿目標8則,已提送8則。2.工作成果滿意度問卷調查500份,完成502份滿意度調查。(七)計畫本期完成比率:100%
EngTitle 101 annual Penghu County Executive Parking idle turn off the propaganda and control plan
EngAbstract Abstract“2012 promotion & control project of the switch off idling engines” had begun from Sep.11-2012 to Dec.-31-2012. The major item were collection related information, planning the switch off idling engines control strategy, holding related seminars and promotions, making promotion DM, and other related tasks. The results as below:1. In the tasks of collection, review and analysis of international “switch off idling engines” related information, this project proposed a “control strategy planning report of the turn off idling engines, which can provide the relevant government unit as reference.2. This project held one big promotion for “2012 low-carbon island travel by bicycles in Penghu” to enhance promotion. 3. This project held one seminar of the switch off idling engines strategy, which were held at EPB, there were 74 people participated, on oct.-16-20124. Promotion(1)This project held 40 promotions for the switch off idling engines, there were 1,802 people participated.(2)This project printed 200 posters, 4,000 handbills, 2,000 promotion gifts.(3)Rent two locations with LED screen to play slogans and films of the switch off idling engines for two months.(4)There were 10 locations which were set up fixed promotion billboards for the switch off idling engines.5. Inspection and control(1)This project held one similar of the switch off idling engines on Oct.-23-2012.(2)This project made 1,500 warning tickets of the turn off idling engines.(3)This project completed the inspection task, and wrote 50 warning tickets.6. Public opinion and satisfaction questionnaires(1)This project issued 8 press releases.(2)This project completed 502 output satisfaction questionnaires.7. The rate of completion is 100%.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 澎湖縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新研車輛科技有限公司