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Title 101年度環保創新科技研發計畫─回收寶特瓶再製三層寶特瓶新技術
Abstract 臺灣每年回收高達10萬噸以上廢寶特瓶,約為45億支寶特瓶,廢寶特瓶再生碎片60%以上應用於紡絲纖維製品,抽絲成布Bottle to Fiber為再生環保紗;下階段「Bottle to Bottle」在歐美國家已是趨勢,因此,本計畫以回收寶特瓶再製三層寶特瓶新技術,開發熱澆道型共射成型技術、改質PET技術,將改質非食品級回收PET包覆在中間層,三層環保瓶採用30~50%回收寶特瓶,提昇回收PET瓶到瓶環保目標。
EngTitle New technology for three-layer PET bpttles from recycled PET bottles
EngAbstract Taiwan's current annual recycling waste PET bottles have more than 100,000 tons, about 4.5 billion plastic bottles. More than 60% of waste PET bottles have been applied to the spinning fiber products. Green yarn made from waste PET is the most important product by “Bottle to Fiber” process. Another trend of recycling bottles, it is a "return to the past" - after the processing steps through the same recovery, then made of a PET drinks bottle. From the traditional "Bottle to Fiber" to "Bottle to Bottle, B to B," a variety of recycled PET reproduction of goods, is representing the concept of environmental protection and technological development in Taiwan, the first step toward another milestone. In order to ensure that the B to B Food Safety, cleanliness and pure degree requirements for the recycling of materials, would be more "Bottle to Fiber" more stringent. This project, hot runner co-injection molding system, will establish the innovational co-injection molding system for multi-layer PET bottles. This innovational co-injection molding system is based on a hot runner co-injection mold by utilizing the two-component injection molding machine. This project will establish the 3-layer single cavity hot runner co-injection molding system for PET bottles. In order to develop the mass production for multi-layer PET bottles, we will establish multi-position valve gate co-injection hot runner system and independent temperature control in manifold with combination of injection molding and PET mold companies. We will develop green 3-layer PET bottles made of more than 30~50% of waste PET. The new green 3-layer PET bottles are the new products by “Bottle to Bottle” process.We have got the following targets :1. Chain extension technology for R-PET: the IV value of the bottle grade new PET is about 0.79, and waste PET is about 0.65. The IV value increases from 0.65 to 0.72 by chain extension technology for R-PET.2. Rheological identification for PET: the shear viscosity of bottle grade new PET and R-PET like Newtonian fluid. The modified R-PET has shear thinning behavior with comparison with PET and R-PET.3. 28g-600ml 3-layer PET bottle: the core layer content ranges 36~46% of layer thickness in the PET/R-PET/PET 3-layer bottles.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 遠東科技大學精密機械創新育成中心