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Title 因應環境資源部成立辦理環境影響評估法規整合研修專案工作計畫
Abstract 隨政府組織再造環境資源部成立,本研究於今年受託研究現行環境影響評估程序有無配合修正必要,委託事項目標及範圍有四,即:1. 環評法規外部競合之評估及修正建議、2. 環評法規內部競合之評估及修正建議、3. 環評審查程序是否有窒礙難行處之檢討及修正建議、4. 協助處理未來併入環資部之機關單位之意見。本報告第一章介紹本研究相關背景,第二章則為研究方法、範圍及執行進度說明,第三章為我國現行環評審查制度介紹。本報告第四章係本研究團隊於研究現行環評制度及相關法令後,分類歸納為七大議題(包含環評委員組成、機關名稱、環評審查認定標準、迴避、執行及監督等因環境資源部成立而有必要重新探討及基於現行環評制度之履行所產生之議題),進行討論分析並提出建議。為使建議更為周延及可行,本研究團隊除於民國101年7月26日舉行研商座談會,廣邀機關單位代表等參與及提供意見外,於第五章,本研究團隊分別訪談在組織改造或環評方面素有研究或涉獵之專家學者(包括沈政雄律師、張英磊博士、胡博硯博士及連哲輝博士),並就其所提供之回饋意見,分別予以回應。本研究團隊並於相關議題提出外國立法例與制度,作為建議依據或參考之用。本報告第六章分別就外部法規競合,及環保署52項環評法規進行審閱,就有無修正必要及修正條文提出逐項建議,並於本章第三節研析現行環評制度有無窒礙難行之處,即提出建議與修正流程圖。本報告附錄則分別對本研究案審查意見予以回應,並提出52項法規修改建議對照表。
EngAbstract As our government plans to establish the Ministry of Environment and Resources under the policy of the government reform and innovation, this study is assigned by the Environmental Protection Agency this year to study issues relating to current environmental impact assessment(“EIA”) and review whether any EIA law or regulation is necessary to be modified or amended subsequently. The four targets and tasks of this study are as follows : 1. to evaluate external application of laws and regulations governing EIA and address reform proposal if there is conflict thereof; 2. to evaluate internal application of laws and regulations EIA and address reform proposal if there is conflict thereof; 3. to find out the obstacles or difficulties in applying and enforcing EIA mechanism and address reform proposals thereof; and 4. to handle and response to the opinions from government agencies set to be incorporated into the Ministry of Environment and Resources in the future.In Chapter 1 of this study, we introduce relevant background in this study. In Chapter 2 of this study, we introduce the research method, scope and progress of this study. In Chapter 3 of this study, we introduce the current system of EIA in Taiwan.In Chapter 4, we categorized and concluded 7 main issues necessary to be reviewed with the establishment of the Ministry of Environment and Resources and disputes relating to the implementation of current EIA system after analyzing the current EIA system and relating laws and decrees. These 7 issues relates to the members and organization of the EIA review committee, the names of government agencies as the authority, review criteria of EIA, obligation to recuse, due process, enforcement and supervision of current EIA system. Representatives from government agencies were invited to a conference held on July 26, 2012 to exchange ideas and provide opinion and comments to us so that our proposal may be more comprehensive and feasible. Moreover, we interviewed experts and scholars in the area of government reform or EIA, including Mr. Cheng-Hsiung Shen, Dr. Ying-Lei Charles Chang, Dr. PoYen Hu, and Dr. Che-Huei Lien, and we give response to their written opinions respectively in Chapter 5 of this study. We also address relevant foreign system and legislation in the relating issues to support our proposal or for reference purpose.In Chapter 6 of this study, we review and tabulate all external application of 52 laws and regulations governing EIA and address legal reforms and proposal. In addition, we propose and chart all possible obstacles and difficulties in the EIA system and provide proposals in the same Chapter as well.In the supplement of this study, we respectively response to the review opinions from the review committee and chart our revise proposal to the 52 laws and regulations one by one.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 恆業法律事務所