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Title 101年度臺南市揮發性有機物稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包含:揮發性有機物排放量查核、建檔及維護與減量輔導作業、加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測與監督作業、辦理餐飲業查核與輔導、執行固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收申報收件及資料建檔、審核、催補繳及查核作業事項。成果報告統計期程為101年1月18日至101年12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要如下:一、揮發性有機物管制作業本計畫依合約規範,完成80家資料庫更新建檔及維護。各列管公私場所經現場資料更新擴充後,公私場所基本資料、製程、設備及污染源均無異動者共計有66家次,約佔清查83%,公私場所基本資料異動有8家次,佔10%,製程、設備異動有6家次,佔7%。經更新後,轄區專法列管公私場所操作製程233個、污染源2,203個、652個控制設備、799根排放管道、771個儲槽、99座廢水處理池及10個裝載設施。由固定污染源資料庫統計顯示,轄區清查之專法列管製程污染排放量更新後之空氣污染量,粒狀污染物為267.4公噸/年、硫氧化物1,491.9公噸/年、氮氧化物1,506.8公噸/年、揮發性有機物1,746公噸/年。其中,更新後之資料庫中,各項污染物排放量以硫氧化物增加88.73公噸/年為最高,其次則為氮氧化物57.40公噸。然而,在污染物削減部分,則以粒狀污染物年排放量呈下降趨勢,污染排放量減少11.12公噸/年。推估造成更新前後排放量差異之主要原因有:估算數據不同、原物(燃)料使用量不同、產品生產狀況不同、設備變動、工廠產能變動。二、監督檢測與報告審查本計畫執行檢測監督作業100根次,工作達成率100%。其中49根次為PSN、46根次為VOCs檢測,其他檢驗項目為5根次,經現場監督,業者均依檢測規範執行。網路定期檢測申報審查(公告第1、2批)部分,本計畫小組依執行定期檢測網路審查之程序,已完成605根次網路申報之檢測報告之審查作業,以及599件次書面檢測申報,皆符合規範。三、異味稽巡查作業本計畫依規定每月提報15家異味污染源大事記。本年度完成409件異味巡查,依據巡查現況及民眾陳情數量,總計提報33處公私場所,納入異味稽查抽測名單。本年度執行之409件巡查作業,現場人員查核時未聞有明顯異味佔最大宗,約73.1%,而廠內有明顯異味則佔7.1%。本年度巡查場所多為屢遭陳情案件,經由稽巡查或專家學者現場輔導後,多已改善操作條件,或增設空氣污染防制設備、除臭設施等。經本年度巡查管制,僅4廠陳情數量未下降,其中,除了廣政制革公司有明顯上升,其餘3廠僅小幅度增加2件陳情。除上述4廠外,其餘各廠陳情數量皆明顯下降,顯示定期巡查能有效監督管制業者異味污染防制。四、加油站稽查管制本計畫今年度依據合約規範,完成200站次法規符合度查核作業及加油站排放量及相關設備清查作業、130站次加油站稽查檢測,各項工作達成率100%。 經查核,各站均符合法規規範。加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測方面,加油站130站次抽測中,總計檢測1,012支油槍,查得42支不合格油槍,業者已全數改善完成,促成污染物削減19.4公噸/年。五、餐飲業稽查管制本年度餐飲業現場巡查作業400家次,工作達成率100%。依據巡查資料顯示,餐飲業經營型態以中式83%佔最大宗,而餐飲油煙防制設備方面,分析有裝設油煙後處理設備業者佔56%,其中以靜電集塵機裝設率最高(30%),其次為水洗機佔19%。本計畫配合推動環保夜市,於4月26日假東區環保局五樓會議室辦理環保夜市暨商圈推廣協商會。經過餐飲夜市及商圈的擴大普查並提送普查結果及可行性評估報告。經普查,響應市府推動政策,安平商圈為本市遊客較多之商圈,故擇定推廣安平商圈。本計畫配合101年7月16日公告的餐飲補助案,於8~9月針對安平商圈未裝設防制設備之99家業者,逐一拜訪並發放餐飲宣導手冊。六、空污費徵收審查作業本年度共計完成373家次空污費查核,分別為硫氧化物/氮氧化物查核214家,查核不符率為52.8%;揮發性有務查核259家次,查核不符率為54.5%。本年度查核不符情形多屬小型工業,不影響繳費金額。各季查核數量,皆高於考評規範數量。統計截至101年12月止,共計完成238件結算補繳公文計發作業,追補繳201家次業者,追得667萬5仟516元,補繳率為84%。統計彙整至101年12月止,透過各項管制作業,達成空污費申報率為100%、網路申報率100%及低污染申報輔導100%。本計畫執行期間,執行空污費審查案件,執行200件內部稽核作業,整體符合率達84%。此外,本計畫協助辦理5場(3廠)自廠係數減免會議、3場(4廠)空污費防制設備減免會議。七、宣導說明會本年度因應契約規範要求辦理各項說明會,工作達成率100%。分別於101年3月27日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理加油站法規宣導說明會,出席率達72.7%。另外,本年度辦理2場揮發性有機物管制說明會,出席率分別為76.6%、86 %。另外,空污費法規說明會分別於101年10月20日及101年10月24日假假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理,會中邀請專家學者針對新修正/公告之空污費收費辦法及計量方式說明。八、輔導管制作業本年度計畫小組針對轄區屢遭陳情或有污染改善疑慮業者,邀請專家學者執行現場勘查及輔導,工作達成率100%。其中,總計完成3場次異味輔導(福特汽車、尚多企業及廣政製革公司)、3場次揮發性有機物減量輔導(茂迪五廠、欣岱實業柳營廠及冠東實業公司)及15場次餐飲油煙污染輔導改善作業。相關成果均已提報局內核備,並有效降低陳情次數。九、異味稽查檢測作業本計畫完成50點異味稽查檢測,分別為管道異味檢測37點次、周界異味檢測13點次,工作達成率100%。本年度執行之異味稽查檢測作業中,計有18點次超過法規規範之排放標準,分別為管道異味檢測10件、周界異味檢測8件,上述超過法規排放標準場所,已將檢測報告呈核 貴局進行行政作業。異味檢測中,周界異味檢測不合率為62%,其中,榮剛材料科技柳營廠,於稽查檢測後,提出當日未執行污染源運作證明,經核定後予以撤銷告發處分作業。而管道異味檢測不合格比例相較為低,約27%。其中,優達樹脂化工官田廠及中楠企業公司,因超過法令標準比例偏高,予以加重處分。十、其他檢測作業本計畫針對空污費申報前十大工廠執行THC檢測10根次。檢測結果顯示,僅森鉅科技公司稽查檢測結果測值,較空污費申報結果測值略高,建議納入下年度管道前後端驗證檢測名單。此外,本年度針對屢遭陳情場所,經 貴局核定後,執行10處鋼瓶氣體採樣分析作業。經由上述採樣分析結果顯示,屢遭民眾陳情之物種甲醇,促使鄰近民眾感受到異味。其中4廠亦執行異味檢測。經檢測顯示,榮星電線電纜公司管道異味檢測值4,120,超過排放標準1,000,已告發處分限期改善。十一、其他作業本計畫小組已完成2場教育訓練辦理、1場技術轉移、新聞稿發布9則。此外,計畫執行期間,協助局內執行稽查、處分之EEMS稽查系統建置,以及各項工廠異味陳情數量彙整與統計分析作業,達成率100%。
EngTitle Volatile organic compounds control operations
EngAbstract The statistical period of the outcome report of the project is between January 18, 2012 and December 31st, 2012. The results of the tasks are summarized as follows:I. Volatile organic compounds control operationsIn this project, in accordance with the contract specifications, 80 databases of filing, updating and maintaining have been completed. After all the controlled public or private factories had their on-site information updated, there are still 66 factories with the same basic data, processes, equipment and pollution sources, accounting for 83% in the inventory; eight factories with data change, accounting for 10%; 6 factories with process and equipment changes, accounting for 7%. After being updated, there are 233 public and private factories in the area of special law for operation process, 2,203 pollution sources; 652 control equipment; 799 discharge piping; 771 tanks; 99 wastewater treatment ponds, and 10 loading facility. Statistics show from the database of the stationary pollution sources that, the amount of air pollution of the pollution emission from operation process after updating in the area with special law is as follows: 267.4 tons/year of particulate pollutants; 1,491.9 tons/year of sulfur oxides; 1,506.8 tons / year of nitrogen oxides, and 1,746 tons / year of volatile organics.In the updated database, as for the pollutant emissions, sulfur oxides increase 88.73 tons / year, which was the highest, followed by 57.40 tons of nitrogen oxides. However, as for the reduction of contaminants, particulate pollutants show a downward trend in annual emissions, where pollution emissions reduce 11.12 tons / year. It is estimated that the differences of the pollutant annual emission before and after the updating result from the reasons: different estimated data, different original (fuel) use amount, different production conditions, equipment changes, and factory capacity changes. II. Supervising inspection and report examinationsIn the project, the supervising detection has done 100 times. The working achievement rate reached 100%. Among them, 49 were PSN, 46 for VOCs detection, and 5 for other test items. After on-site supervision, practitioners all implemented according to the detection specifications. As for network periodic testing declaration review (bulletin batch 1&2), in this project, teams has completed 605 online declarations of testing review in accordance with the implementation of procedures of the periodic testing network review, and 599 written reviews of testing declaration are all in compliance with the specifications.III. Odor-verifying inspection operationIn the project, under the provisions, 15 factories should be reported monthly for the odor pollution sources. In this year, there are 409 odor inspections completed. On the inspection of the status and number of people to petition, a total of 33 sites were reported and submitted onto the list of odor inspectors.Among the 409 inspection operations performed this year, during an inspection where site personnel didn’t smell any smell significantly, accounting for the majority, about 73.1%, while the factory with obvious odor accounting for 7.1%. In this year, workplaces inspected mostly are the repeated petition cases. After the protracted inspections or experts and scholars on-site counseling, the operating conditions have been improved, or additional air pollution control equipment, or deodorization facilities have been established.After this year’s inspection control, only 4 factories with the same number of petitions, expect for Guang Zheng leather-making company with obvious rising petions, and the other three companies with slight increase on the petition cases. Except for the four companies mentioned above, the number of petitions in the rest of the companies significantly decreased, which showed that regular inspections can effectively supervise, control and prevent industry odor pollution.VI. Gas station inspection and controlIn this project, during this year, according to the contract specifications, 200 stations have completed the checking operation on the regulation compliances, the gas station emissions, and related equipment inventory operations. There are 130 stations completing the inspections. And, the task achievement rate reached 100%. After checking, the stations are in line with regulatory norms.As for functional test of the oil and gas recovery facilities at gas stations, there were 130 gas stations under check up. There was a total of 1,012 oil gun detected, among which 42 oil guns failed. However, the practitioners have fully completed the improvement, which contributed to the 19.4 tons / year reduction of pollutants.V. Inspection and control of the food and beverage industryIn this year, 400 times of restaurant industry on-site inspections have done, and task-achieving rate reached 100%. Based on the inspection information, Chinese restaurants are the majority in the management style of the food and beverage industry, accounting for 83%, while as for the dining fumes control equipment, analysis shows that the practitioners with installed fume processing equipment accounted for 56%, among which the rate of installation of electrostatic dust collector was the highest (30% ), followed by washing machines (accounted for 19%). This project was in line with promoting environmental-friendly night markets. In the conference room on the 5th floor at EPA, Eastern District, a promotion consultation of environmental night market and shopping district were held. After the expanded survey on dining night market and shopping district census, the results were submitted for feasibility assessment report. After the survey, in response to the city government’s policy promotion, the Anping shopping district is with more tourists so it was chosen to be the promoted shopping district. This project was in line with the food and beverage subsidy policy announced on July 16, 2012. From August to September 2012, 99 business practitioners without installing the control equipment in Anping district were visited individually and distributed with food and beverage propaganda manual.VI. Air pollution levy review operationIn this year, a total of 373 factories have completed their air pollution fee checking, with 214 factories checked for sulfur oxides / nitrogen oxides respectively. The rate of not conforming to the regulations accounts for 52.8%; 259 factories with volatile and the rate of not conforming to the regulations accounts for 54.5%. During this year, industries not conforming to the regulations mostly are small-scale industries, which won’t affect the payment amount. The number of checks in each season was higher than the evaluation norms quantity. Statistics shows that until December, 2012, there was a total of 238 cases of settled conscience money documents which awaits to be delivered. The conscience money from 201 industries was collected and the amount is NT$ 6,670,005516. The conscience money collecting rate is 84%. Statistics had been compiled until December 2012. Through various control operations, the air pollution fee declaration rate has reached 100%; online reporting rate 100% and low pollution reporting counseling 100%.During the implementation of this project, the implementation of the air pollution fee reviewed cases, 200 internal checking operations have been implemented, and the overall compliance rate reached 84%. In addition, the project is to assist with hosting 5 venues (3) self factory coefficient remission conference and 3 venues (4) air pollution fee control equipment remission conference.VII. Promotion meetingThis year in response to the contract specification requirements, various seminars have been held. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. On March 27, 2012, on the 1st floor in the administration bureau in Southern Taiwan Science Park, gas station regulations promotion meetings were held, and the attendance rate reached 72.7%. In addition, this year two conventions of volatile organic compounds control were held. The attendance rates are 76.6% and 86% respectively.In addition, air pollution fee regulatory seminars were held on the 1st floor auditorium in Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration bureau on October 20th and 24th, 2012 respectively. In the meeting, some experts and scholars were invited to give instructions on the new revised/announced air pollution fee charging measurements and calculation methods.VIII. Counseling control operationsThe project team this year focused on the practitioners who suffered from petitions or had room for pollution improvements. Experts and scholars were invited for the on-site inspection and counseling. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. Among them, a total of 3 sessions of odor counseling have been completed (Ford, Shang Duo Enterprises and Guang Zheng leather-making company); 3 sessions of volatile organic compounds reduction counseling (Mao Di 5th Factory, Syndyne Phenolic Resin Laminates Manufacturer (Liuying branch) and East Ring INTL. Co., LTD.) and 15 sessions of food and beverage soot pollution counseling improvement operations. The related outcomes have all been reported to the bureau for approval and recordation, which have effectively reduced the number of petitions.IX. Odor investigative test operationsThis project has completed 50 sites for odor detection: 37 times of pipeline odor detection, and 13 times of perimeter odor detection. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. In this year’s implementation of odor test, there are 18 exceeding the emission regulations and standards. There are 10 for pipeline odor detection, 8 perimeter odor detection respectively. The places with exceeding emission regulations have been reported to the bureau for related administration operations. In the odor detection, the perimeter odor detection substandard rate is 62%. Among them, the Gloria Material Technology Corp. (Liuying branch) provided its operation certificate of the unprocessed pollution sources on the day after the investigation. However, after approval, the denounced sanctions were revoked. The pipeline odor detection substandard proportion is relatively low, about 27%. Among them, Yuta Resin company (Guantian branch) and Zhong Nan Enterprise companies were severely punished for exceeding legal standards.X. Other testing operationsIn this project, air pollution fee reporting top ten factories should be done THC detection for 10 times. The test results showed that only the test results from Xxentria tech company were higher than the air pollution fee reporting results. It is suggested that this company should be included on the list for the verification testing of before and after the pipeline for the second half of the year.In addition, during the year, for repeatedly petitioned places, after approved by your bureau, 10 cylinder gas sampling and analysis operations should be processed. From the sampling and analysis results, it showed that methanol is repeatedly petitioned by people, making the neighboring people smell odor. Among them, 4 factories also perform odor detection. After testing, it showed that the odor testing value in Jung Shing Wire is 4,120, exceeding the emission standards by 1,000, and the sanctions has denounced the company for improvement before deadline.XI. Other operationsIn this project, the team has completed 2 education training: one for technology transfer, 9 news released. In addition, during the project execution period, we have assisted the Bureau to conduct investigations, disposition the establishment of EEMS inspection system, and organized the number of smell petitions from various factories for statistical analysis. The achievement rate reached 100%.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司