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Title 機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第16年。本年度致力於檢驗站管理辦法修訂、定檢不合格率下降原因分析、標準氣體廠查核,以及定檢成效分析。計畫主要工作包括檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗站查核管理與教育訓練、檢驗設備認證查核作業、檢驗資料庫系統維運擴增,以及定檢數據統計等。101年度全國符合補助條件者計714萬台,核撥金額計5.7億;透過照片審查有效降低車號誤植問題,車號誤植率由0.14%降至0.05%。檢驗站管理方面,透過50站實車查核與5站監控畫面調閱,確實瞭解目前執行實務問題,俾利後續管制策略檢討修正。本年度首次辦理標準氣體廠查核作業,確認廠商製程品管與送審文件一致性,並由委員提出策進建議,供未來認證標準修訂參考。系統作業方面,除系統操作維運,另建置檢驗軟體品質指標平台,應用檢驗站上傳各項紀錄監控軟體品質,並因應個資法適行,調整系統車籍使用、查詢權限與介面。污染減量成效部份,除不合格複驗改善之減量貢獻,另配合二行程機車淘汰、基管會回收車資料,統計因無法通過定、攔檢而淘汰之減量成效。101年不合格複驗改善後,CO、HC分別計減量8,212、1,280公噸;近2年因檢驗制度促使機車淘汰、回收或報廢計440,996台,CO、HC分別計減量4,781、1,972公噸。
EngTitle The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform
EngAbstract This year was the 16th year of regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system since it started in 1996. This year’s key programs were in amending the “Management Rules of Inspection Stations”, analysis of reasons for reduced failure rate of regular inspections, on-site audit of standard gas factories, and performance analysis of regular inspection system. The main tasks of the program included review and appropriation of subsidy funds for inspection, auditing management and training for the inspection station, certification of test equipment, maintenance and expansion of the inspection database system, and statistical analysis of regular inspection data.In 2012, there were 7.14 million inspection records that qualified for the subsidy conditions, totaling NT$570 million allocated in subsidy. Through full-scale screening of inspection photos, the miskeying of license plate number for inspection record reduced from 0.14% to 0.05%. Regarding inspection station management, through on-site motorcycle audit of 50 stations and screening of video monitor records from 5 stations, the actual problems of execution at the inspection stations were verified to serve as reference for management and control strategy discussions and amendments. The on-site audit of standard gas factories, which was held for the first time in this annual plan, ensured the uniformity of quality control of factory manufactured products with the application documents. The improvement recommendations presented from the commissioner, which will serve as reference for amendment of certification standards. In terms of system operations, in addition to maintenance work on the system, a software quality indicator platform was set up. It utilized various records uploaded from the inspection stations to continue monitoring software quality. In compliance with the “Personal Information Protection Act”, the system access for the vehicle's registration information and the inquiry authority and interface were also adjusted accordingly.In terms of pollution reduction performance, other than improvement on reduced amount of inspection failed vehicles those passed the recheck, the elimination of 2 stroke motorcycles and recycled vehicles that were unable to pass regular inspection or roadside inspection were also collected. In 2012, because of improvement on recheck, the amount of CO and HC has reduced 8,212 and 1,280 metric tons respectively. In the last 2 years, the reduction in CO and HC from 440,996 vehicles, which included elimination of 2 stroke motorcycles, recycling or junking motorcycles, were 4,781 and 1,972 metric tons respectively.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司