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Title 「99至101年度公有一般廢棄物處理設施營運管理監控及輔導改善委託專案工作計畫(101年度,第3年)」
Abstract 本計畫101年度主要執行項目共分三個工作項目,第一項為「延續強化一般廢棄物掩埋場地方維護系統管理資訊平台」,延續100年度第2年計畫內容,持續擴充資訊平台之功能,並辦理2場次環保機關操作說明會協助今年度開放縣市環保局順利上網進行填報公務報表作業。第二項為「提昇一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場正常營運管理」,完成辦理100年度掩埋場體檢績優場次頒獎暨101年度掩埋場營運管理研習會,37場次掩埋場總體檢工作,3場次地下水採樣及水質分析21項目及協助修改總體檢要點內容等工作。第三項為「研擬轉運站設置計畫作業指引」,完成調查彙整8場垃圾轉運站基本資料、檢討與評析其執行成效及因應改善措施,並研訂轉運站設置作業指引原則。掩埋場資訊平台今年度開放縣市環保局上網辦理填報督導掩埋場及轉運站公務報表及更新各場基本資料等作業,環保署可藉由資訊平台彙整各場營運現況資料。37場次總體檢評比結果,獲優等共9場、甲等18場及乙等10場,相較於100年度成績等級,臺南市、高雄市及桃園縣環保局所督導管理之場次成績進步為優等。辦理新竹市浸水場、苗栗縣竹南鎮廠及高雄市燕巢區域場3場次地下水採樣檢測結果,3場應評估納入總溶解固體物、總硬度、總有機碳及鐵、錳等項目為定期檢測項目,以長期監測其變化。垃圾轉運站問題主要與規劃設計不良與使用者參與度過低有關,對於後續轉運站設計與選址時應提高使用者參與度,以其了解實際狀況、條件、需求與後續維護問題而能使轉運站之設置達較佳效能。
EngTitle Project of Operation Management Monitoring and Improvement Assisting for Public Waste Treatment Faci
EngAbstract This project's main executive items in 2012 are divided into three. The first work item is to “continue to strengthen the management information platform of local maintenance system for the general waste landfill sites,” continuation of the 2nd-year plan content of 2011, continue to expand information platform function, and hold environmental protection agencies explanatory conferences in order to assist making smooth internet access open to counties and cities Environmental Protection Bureaus in this year for the purpose of filling in and submitting official statements tasks. The second work item is to "enhance the normal operational management of the general waste sanitary landfill sites, complete conducting outstanding sites award resulting from landfill site checkup as well as 2012 landfill sites operation management workshops, overall landfill site examination work of 37 sites, 21 items of groundwater sampling and water quality analysis for 3 sites, and help modify the main point content of total examination work, etc. The third work item is to "develop transfer station establishment plans operating guidelines", to complete the survey and compilation as regards eight sites of waste transfer stations’ essential materials, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation and improvement measures in response, and develop the guiding principles of the transfer station set-up task .This year the landfill site information platform makes internet access open to counties and cities Environmental Protection Bureaus for filling in and submitting official statements task with regard to the supervision on the landfill sites and transfer stations and updating each site’s basic information, etc. Environmental Protection Administration collects and compiles current operational status information by means of the information platform. Among 37 sites’ total examination appraisal results, 9 sites attain excellent rate, 18 sites attain grade A, and 10 sites attain grade B. Compared with 2011 result grade, sites under the supervision and management of Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau attain improved results and excellence rate. Handle Hsinchu City waterside site, Miaoli County Zunan Town site, and Kaohsiung City Yenchao area site groundwater sampling and testing results. Three sites should assess the inclusion of total dissolved solid bodies, total hardness, total organic carbon and iron, manganese, etc. in periodical testing items, in order to monitor changes on a long-term basis. Problem of refuse transfer station mainly relates to poor planning and design as well as overly low level of user participation. Regarding subsequent transfer stations design and location selection, user participation extent should be increased so as to realize actual situation, conditions, demands, and follow-up maintenance problems, and enable the establishment of transfer stations to achieve better efficiency.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 尚竑工程顧問有限公司