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Title 節能減碳氣候調適全民行動計畫
Abstract 面對全球暖化、氣候變遷的威脅,目前國際上因應氣候變遷的方式分別為減緩(Mitigation)與調適(Adaptation)行動,世界各國除了持續積極致力於人為溫室氣體排放的減量之外,也開始透過調整既有的生活及社會運作方式,適應因「全球暖化」下所造成各項極端環境狀態。計畫重點以建立全民節能減碳、減碳調適行動概念,並推廣民眾與企業於日常生活和企業文化中開始落實行動,為首要目標。並積極鼓勵參與國際環保節日,喚起社會大眾對於節能減碳意識,並藉此宣傳節能減碳及氣候調適之間的重要性,加強臺灣於國際上視野。同時持續辦理環保署節能減碳行動標章申請活動,透過標章之認證,鼓勵且肯定國內企業、民間團體及社區對於落實節能減碳行動的努力,進而帶動社會上節能減碳、氣候調適風氣。配合目前的社會潮流與推廣當季當地飲食概念,開發低碳智慧生活網網頁及辦理低碳美食推廣活動,把減碳調適、蔬果少肉的概念能夠深入社會各階層當中並慰為潮流。計畫內亦進行持續推動能源之星標章計畫,加強民眾對於能源標章的認知。計畫內完成辦理地球日、世界環境日等環保大型活動,共計近10,000多人次參與;完成辦理101年度節能減碳行動標章申請、審查及頒獎活動,共計238家企業、社區、民間團體等單位自願性申請提出認證,經評審後共137家獲得此標章之核可,顯示出社會上對節能減碳議題之重視及對環保署節能減碳行動標章之認同;完成辦理「低碳蔬食餐盒」創意料理競賽活動及「低碳智慧生活網」,成功傳達給民眾低碳蔬食與低碳生活的理念;完成63項能源之星標章產品追蹤考核作業,並持續環保署推動能源之星標章計畫。
EngTitle The Plan of Protection of Public Action in Adaptation to the Climate Change with Energy Saving and C
EngAbstract The mitigation and adaptation are two primary actions in response to the threat of climate change. Apart from the effort to reduce the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, countries in the world continue proactively to adjust the current living and societal functions so as to adapt to the extreme environmental events caused by global warming. The focus of this project is to build up the consensus of energy conservation and carbon reduction among the public and promote these concepts to be put into practice. This project not only proactively took part in the international environmental festivals but also continue to arouse the sense of environmentalism and the importance of extreme weather adaptation. By doing so, Taiwan is able to follow up the world trend in climate issues as well as broaden the horizon domestically. This project at the same time is proceeding with the carbon reduction mark application activity which utilized to encourage domestic enterprises, community and society to implement carbon reduction action, furthermore to stimulate the atmosphere of protection of our environment. In order to promote the low carbon living style, the execution of carbon reduction-related mobile application, low carbon diet and energy-star product agenda that hopefully in the end the concept of low carbon living can be implanted into public’s mindset and express to the daily life.This project has completed the implementation of following events:Earth Day and International Environment Day which is estimated 10,000 participants involved;The annual processing of carbon reduction action mark application held for 3 sessions, accounted for 238 units applied, businesses, communities and other voluntary units included. The result came out that 137 units have been approved the certification, showing that the increasing consciousness of carbon reduction campaign as well as the mark issued by Environmental Protection Administration(EPA);The ‘low carbon cuisine contest’ has successfully conveyed the idea of low carbon diet to the public;Completion of tracking and assessing 63 Energy Star label product, and will continue to promote the plan of Energy Star.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司