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Title 101年度雲林縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫已依契約規定完成各項工作。各項工作成果摘要如下:(一)土壤污染調查工作:於北港鎮溝皂里農地的土壤監測,調查出6處農地土壤砷含量達食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準,環保局已依規定辦理食用作物剷除銷燬及補償作業。另本年度查出多處位於排水渠道的底泥調查點位其重金屬含量超出底泥品質指標限值,雖然排水渠道不屬於土污法第六條第五項之列管水體,惟仍建議應將此部分調查資料轉相關水利單位接手調查或辦理後續行政管理作業。(二)持續縣內場置性監測井監測、維護工作:部分監測井地下水水質有氨氮、總有機碳、鐵、錳及總溶解固體等項目偏高的情形。歷年璟美掩埋場場址地下水總酚測值已低於管制標準,但氨氮及總有機碳仍屬偏高,仍應持續監測。另後續調查如持續正常時,建議環保局可考慮依土污法第二十六條及執行細則第二十四條規定,彙整相關資料報請中央主管機關解除場址列管。(三)緊急突發事件緊急應變作業:本年共計執行完成13場次緊急應變工作。其中於龍岩厝段4口簡易井之2次地下水監測,檢測結果地下水總有機碳及氨氮濃度有超過監測標準的現象,應持續監測。(四)行政支援工作:已完成4季次加油站網路申報審查作業、1場次法規宣導說明會,與協助完成環保署現地評鑑、發佈3篇土水相關新聞稿及至轄內4所國小進行教育宣導等相關土壤及地下水業務之推動工作。經由本計畫的執行,相關建議供環保局參考:(一)本年度於部分調查區域排水溝渠中檢測出底泥含量超出底泥品質指標限值,雖然排水溝渠尚不在土污法列管範圍,但仍具有污染風險,建議後續應將相關資料轉相關水利單位接手調查辦理,如疏浚清淤等工作,並應追蹤其後續辦理情形。(二)北港鎮溝皂里的農地土壤砷含量的來源初步研判應與附近皮革廠關聯性不高,而與農民長期抽取含砷地下水累積於土壤中有關,建議環保局未來向環保署申請研究計畫,透過瞭解及調查該區域用水歷史、抽水井位置、耕作習慣及土壤砷濃度分佈的相關性,來釐清土壤中砷來自自然因素的確切性,以瞭解污染成因並擬訂未來管制策略。(三)本計畫於龍岩厝段非法棄置場址簡易井持續檢測出地下水總有機碳及氨氮濃度仍超過監測標準,建議後續仍應持續監測,未來污染物濃度如有增加,則應建置標準監測井作長期監測。
EngTitle 2012 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification For Yunlin County
EngAbstract All tasks of this project had achieved before 2012/12/31. The following is a list of accomplishments under the contract: I. Soil pollution investigation in high pollution potential zone This work was to investigate the soil quality of the farmlands around Taiwan Colors and chemical Co. (TCC), Beigang Township Gouzao Village, Fongtian Industrial Park and Tapi pickled-vegetable Factory. According to the results, some farm had been polluted by heavy metal As pollution around Bengang town Gouzao Village. The As concentration of six farmlands around the Bengang town Gouzao Village met the standards of ”Control Standards of Food Crops Farmland Soil Contamination”. It is evaluated the source of As content maybe come form groundwater. Some polluted heavy items are found at sediment, it is recommended that holding a meeting with Department of Hydraulic engineering and Department of Agriculture to discuss how to remove the polluted sediment.II. Groundwater well monitoring The results of the investigation to the water quality of groundwater this year are consistent with the results of the former project. In general, the items of NH3-N, TDS, Mn, Fe at some monitoring well are higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards, and it is consistent with EPA investigated results. Some researchers considered that it is a common phenomenon in West Taiwan. Furthermore, the investigated data of other heavy metal and VOCs/SVOCs were lower than the pollution standards. Besides, the concern item of total phenol in Gin-Mei landfill site is lower than “Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards”, and it is necessary that monitoring sustained this site.III. The inspection of the remediated siteIt is 25 polluted sites till 2012/12, including 14 sites in Mailiao Industrial Park. The polluted sites such as Huwei gas station, Douliou University gas station and Douliou Shinanhuan Road gas station, has much pollution potential because of delay remediation, it is suggested that restricting severely those polluted site. Besides, Polluted sites in Mailiao Industrial Park will supervised and verification by other project.IV. Other worksThe inspection of 13 emergent case, the verification of network data reporting by 122 gas stations, the implements of one guidance meetings about “The introduction of the management rule of underground bucket and the Green Remediation”, etc., have been accomplished completely.Through the implementation of this project, some relevant recommendations for the EPB reference:(A) this project found some sediment pollution at the drainage ditches, although the drainage ditches is not yet the restricted scope of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, but is still has a risk of contamination, it is recommended that holding a meeting with Department of Hydraulic engineering and Department of Agriculture to discuss how to remove the polluted sediment.(B) it is presumed that the arsenic content of the farmland soil in Gouzao Village Bengang township may form the groundwater. Some programs are needed to research the behavior of irrigation, pump position and the distribution of arsenic concentration in the farmland, etc., and to clarify the resource of arsenic or to establish the strategies for restrict the using of groundwater and the planting of plant.(C) the water item of NH3-N, TOC are higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards project in Longyan Section Yuanchang Township, it is recommended that continued monitoring of pollutant concentration. If the concentration of pollution increase, establish the standards monitoring wells for long-term monitoring is necessary.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 澳新科技股份有限公司