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Title 100年度桃園縣高污染潛勢加油站查證及列管場址污染改善驗證工作計畫
Abstract   桃園縣政府環境保護局辦理「100年度桃園縣高污染潛勢加油站查證及列管場址污染改善驗證工作計畫」,以利確實掌握桃園縣轄區加油站土壤及地下水污染現況和確保列管場址之污染改善成效。 本計畫加油站調查工作將分三階段辦理,第一階段進行加油站測漏管功能和油氣檢測,再依據第一階段調查結果,篩選第二階段調查名單,執行第二階段的土壤查證和簡易井地下調查工作,再依據第二階段地下水調查結果,篩選第二階段調查名單,執行第三階段的地下水查證工作。 本計畫已完成下列工作:(1) 第一階段調查:41座加油站陰極防蝕功能檢測、27座加油站測漏管功能查核和19座加油站測漏管油氣之LEF、PID和FID檢測。(2) 第二階段調查:10座高污染潛勢加油站的第二階段土壤污染查證和地下水簡易井採樣及檢測分析作業。(3) 第三階段調查:3座高污染潛勢加油站的第三階段地下水標準監測井採樣及檢測分析作業。(4) 6處列管污染改善場址驗證、1處工廠和16筆農地疑似土壤重金屬污染場址查證作業。(5) 110口井之巡查作業和31座加油站進行Eco-life網頁維護和推廣工作。(6) 辦理2場次加油站污染防治講習會。
EngTitle Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation of the High Pollution Potential Gas Stations and Verification of the Polluted Sites in Taoyuan County for 2011
EngAbstract In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act , the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Taoyuan County initiated the Project. This project was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for the high pollution potential gas stations and to validate the regulated polluted sites. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase focus on high pollution potential area which screening of 1st phase to conduct the detect ion and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from temporary groundwater sampling wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the result s of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutant s’ density in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples. The work conducted so far includes: (1) The 1st phase was to check the cathodic protection equipment of 41 gas stations, test the basic functions of soil gas monitoring wells of 27 gas stations and measure the oil vapor densities of 19 gas stations by using LEF, PID, and FID. (2) The 2nd phase was to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples and temporary groundwater sampling wells for 10 high pollution potential gas stations. (3) The 3rd phase was to conduct the standard monitoring well installation at the gas stations with high pollution potential, to sample and analyze groundwater in which the pollutants are beyond the control standard from the 3rd phase investigation. (4) 6 regulated polluted sites, 1 factory and 16 agricultural Lands of high pollution potential areas with soil pollution of copper were validated. (5) The project team crew implemented to patrol 110 wells and assist 31 gas stations to maintain the Eco-life web page of EPA. (6) Two advocacy workshops were hold for 257 gas station works.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 駿興工程顧問有限公司