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Title 「美國環境影響評估實務案例之研析及參考手冊編製」專案研究計畫
Abstract 我國環境影響評估法自83年施行以來影響國內開發與環境保護甚鉅。國內環評制度可借鏡美國國家環境政策法下衍生之環境影響評估制度與40餘年之實施經驗。雖然我國的行政體制、立法程序與美國聯邦政府截然不同,但其環境影響評估的執行精神卻是一致,同是重視環境價值、追求環境保護之最終目的。本案執行期間起自民國101年2月起至101年12月底止,彙整美國環評之詳細步驟,並輔以實務之說明,工作成果包括:1. 相關書籍、參考資料收集整理。2. 分析美國環評之詳細步驟及法規規定。3. 彙整美國環評制度流程,說明建議行動案判定為排除類(Categorical Exclusion, CE)、環境評估(Environmental Assessment, EA)、環境影響報告(Environmental Impact Statement, EIS)之標準。4. 以實例說明美國環評委託第三人(Third party contractor)之詳細作法。5. 編製完成「美國環境影響評估程序參考手冊」。6. 11月下旬於中部與北部各舉辦1場研究成果發表會,邀集中央與地方政府相關單位,以及民間規劃顧問公司等代表,與會者深入瞭解並釐清美國與我國環評制度之差異。
EngTitle Case Study and Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment in the United States of America and Formu
EngAbstract Case Study and Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment in the United States of America and Formulation of Reference ManualEnvironmental assessment practices originated from National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 in the United States of America is a meaningful reference. Environmental protection is the ultimate goal despite distinctive differences of administrative and legislative processes between the two nations. During the period from February to December in 2012, the study synthesizes how the United States operates environmental impact assessment, accomplishing following matters: (A) Collection reference materials and books,(B) Analysis of U.S. environmental impact assessment related acts and rules and regulations,(C) Compilation of U.S. environmental impact assessment process, and illustration of whether a proposed action is determined as a categorical exclusion (CE), environmental assessment (EA), or environmental impact statement (EIS),(D) Case study of the process to commission a third party contractor, (E) Formulation of “Reference Manual of Environmental Impact Assessment Practices in the United States.”(F) Two seminars were arranged in late November, one in central region and the other in northern Taiwan, with participants from central and local governments, as well as planning consultants in private sector, to discuss differences of environmental impact assessments between the two nations.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國永續發展學會