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Title 100年度服務業環保標章規格標準制訂專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行服務業環保標章規格標準制訂之對象,係由環保署指定包含餐館業、餐飲攤販業、旅行及相關代訂服務業(旅遊業)、清潔服務業、美髮業、汽車美容業、汽車租賃業等7項服務業中選擇5項進行制訂。經環保署選定餐館業、旅行及相關代訂服務業(旅遊業)、清潔服務業、汽車美容業、汽車租賃業等5項服務業後,除參考我國旅館業環保標章規格標準內容為基礎外,另亦參考其他國家環保標章管制要點,如加拿大環境選擇計畫(Environmental Choice Program )CCD–095、澳洲環境選擇計畫(Good Environmental Choice Australia Standard)GECA 42-2008、加拿大環境選擇計畫CCD–061、北歐天鵝標章(Nordic Ecolabelling)-洗車設施(Vehicle wash installations)Version 2.1、北歐天鵝標章-餐館業(Restaurants)Version 1.3、美國綠標章計畫(Green Seal)-餐館與食品服務業(Restaurants And Food Services)、美國綠標章計畫-商業與機構清潔服務(Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services)、北歐天鵝標章-清潔服務(Cleaning services)Version 2.2、澳洲環境選擇計畫GECA 37-2008等,再透過與各利害相關公會、團體、專家學者進行討論,最終由審議會委員確認通過後,再公告外界申請。
EngTitle 2011 Project of Drawing up Green Mark Criteria for Service Industry
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to draw up Green Mark standard for service industry, precursors of which designated by EPA include restaurant, travel agency, commercial & residential cleaning, car wash as well as car leasing & rental services.In addition to the reference to Ecolabel Standard in Hotel Industry, there are a series of relavant foreign regulations being referred to and taken into consideration, such as Canadian Environmental Choice Program CCD-061 & CCD-095, Good Environmental Choice Australia Standard GECA 37-2008 & 42-2008, Nordic Ecolabelling-Vehicle Wash Installations Version 2.1, Nordic Ecolabelling-Cleaning services Version 2.2, Nordic Ecolabelling-Restaurants Version 1.3, U.S. Green Seal-Restaurants And Food Services, Green Seal-Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services, etc., and then cautiously discussed by various stakeholders associations, organizations, experts and scholars. Ultimately approved and confirmed by the members of Auditing Conference, the Criteria put into effect by official announcement for applications.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會