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Title 廢機動車輛源頭減量分析規劃暨廢車粉碎廠監督營運專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要執行工作項目分為五大部分,包含費率修訂,回收業管制模式檢討,溫室氣體盤查和節能減碳輔導,廢車殼合理重分析和處理業衍生物流向管控,以及觀音粉碎廠監督營運。藉由計畫執行詳細檢討責任業者繳交的回收清除處理費費率,調查業者對於現存二級費率再增加一級距的申請意願,以及其可能符合各級距的車輛銷售數,提出適當費率調整機制與建議的收費金額,希望使廢車回收基金能維持平穩。另外,分析因加強回收車源管制對廢車回收量影響的趨勢,提出於重大廢車回收政策影響下,可能的廢車回收量變化推估模式。因應國內廢車回收體系近年回收量減少而廠家數增加的轉變,則蒐集國外競爭型費率機制相關資訊,研議國內可行的競爭型費率制度,以尋求較適當國內回收業管制模式。本計畫還透過實際細部拆解9輛汽車與9輛機車,詳細紀錄各項元件重量,以加權計算方式求得業者回收車輛的平均重,再藉由問卷調查業者不拆除直接當廢車殼的元件比例,經由詳細分析計算,提供廢車回收拆解後應送交廢車粉碎廠建議的合理重量。配合國內近年的節能減碳推動政策,本計畫亦將溫室氣體盤查作業程序與相關知識傳遞給廢車處理業,輔導其成立專責小組,協助完成溫室氣體盤查清冊;並且對國內五家廢車處理業者進行節能診斷,就實際勘查與量測情形予以輔導,再依照各業者使用狀況提出改善方案供其參考,最後確認各業者初步節能改善成果。另外,針對廢車殼進口可能管道進行產業調查,並分析廢車殼經由不同處理管道對環境的影響;並對廢車殼處理後產生衍生物的最終處理方式作詳細的統計分析。本計畫延續以往,持續對觀音廢車粉碎廠執行營運作業監督,確保運轉操作與維護保養均能妥善執行;今年度特別與委託營運業者討論觀音廠作為環境教育場所的可能性,研擬出環境教育課程特色,並由討論過程瞭解欲設置為教育場所應突破或改變的關鍵點。本計畫建議廢車清除處理費率制訂同時需重新考慮廢車回收基金合理存量,而因經濟衰弱產生的回收量減少問題,應對回收業者作適當總量管制,獎優汰劣以使回收體系正常發展,在廢車殼處理方面,完成廢車殼合理重修正後,可以考慮處理業費率機制朝向增進後端衍生物再利用率規劃。
EngTitle The Project of End-of-Life Vehicles Reducing, Recycling Investigation and Shredding Plant Operation
EngAbstract The contents of the project can be divided into five parts, including the recycling fee reviewing, the recycling enterprise controlling mode reviewing, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions inventory and energy conservation and carbon reduction consulting, End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) reasonable weight analysis and the disposal enterprise derivatives control, and Guanyin shredding plant operation supervising. The implementations were summarized as follow: 1. By applying of this project, reviewed the recycling, clearance, and disposal fee rate of vehicle responsible enterprise to make ELV fund stay in a steady level. This project investigated the willingness applying for existing and new fee rates, obtained the selling volumes of every classification and suggested the appropriate fee rate and adjusting mode. 2. To response the decreasing ELV recycling volumes and the increasing recycling enterprises in recent years and to seek a more appropriate controlling mode of domestic recycling enterprises, this project searched the information of overseas competitive recycling mode. 3. To promote the energy conservation and carbon reduction policies, this project delivered the GHG knowledge and operated procedures to the ELV disposal enterprise to help them establish the GHG operating group and assisted in the completion of the GHG inventory. 4. Nine cars and nine motorcycles were selected for detail dismantling in this project. We recorded the weight of the various components, calculated the weighted average weight of the recycling vehicles, then used the questionnaire to investigate the ratio of ELV shell weight that hadn’t been scrapped then gave the reasonable weight of ELV shell that the recycling enterprises should transport to the shredding plants. 5. Kept supervising the operation of Guanyin ELV shredding plant to make sure all the operation and maintenance would be executed properly. This year, we intentionally discussed the possibility of this factory to apply for public place of environmental education. Investigated the characteristic of the course and found out the break through or changing key point of setting up the public place. This project suggested that we should reconsider the ELV recycling reasonable fund when establish the ELV fee rates. In order to reducethe decrease problem of the ELV recycling volumes from the recession, we should do total amount control and reward good recycling enterprises so that we could make the recycling system growth continuously. After the ELV reasonable weight had been amended, we could reconsider the ELV disposal enterprises fee rate and promote the reusing rate of the ELV derivatives.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司