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Title 毒性化學物質流布調查研究-玉螺生殖構造異常之探究計畫
Abstract 台灣在持久性有機污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants)在內之多種環境荷爾蒙禁用後,仍有環境殘留問題,因腹足綱螺類對環境荷爾蒙污染敏感,故常用為環境荷爾蒙污染監測的指標生物,其中玉螺類是沙泥底生態系統中重要的次級消費者,它們的移動性低是西海岸沙泥底常見之漁獲螺類。本計畫以腹足綱螺類為研究物種,進行螺類生殖構造異常之研究,並探討其與環境荷爾蒙有機錫、烷基酚及汞污染是否相關。工作項目有三,1.收集歷年玉螺漁獲資料並分析其變化趨勢;2.調查評估各地二至三種螺類樣本異常狀況;3.分析各地二至三種螺體內環境荷爾蒙(有機錫、壬基酚、辛基苯酚、雙酚A、總汞及有機汞)之濃度。歷年玉螺漁獲數量有隨時間下降之驅勢,但調查方法、底拖範圍及時間未詳細說明,是否確實降低仍無法論斷。雌細紋玉螺外觀無特殊異狀,各地雄螺陰莖型態正常之比例介於20-50%,扁玉螺則介於9-58%,二種螺樣點間差異顯著。蚵岩螺所有樣點都有雄化現象,占雌螺之25-100%,象牙鳳螺也有雄化現象(7-18%),二種雄螺陰莖長度經除以殼長標準化後,樣點間亦有顯著差異。細紋玉螺及扁玉螺所有樣品均未檢出苯基錫,總丁基錫濃度可達3975 及 2527 ng/g dry wt,其中以三丁錫濃度最高,各丁基錫濃度內臟團高於腹足,並有種別差異。烷基酚化合物部分,所有樣品均未檢出辛基酚,但所有樣品均含壬基酚,濃度在572 - 2109 ng/g dry wt之間,壬基酚濃度多呈現腹足高於內臟團,種別差異不顯著。汞檢測則是腹足總汞濃度為42 – 554 ng/g dry wt,內臟團總汞濃度為211 – 1116 ng/g dry wt,種別差異顯著;有機汞濃度介於0.009- 0.150 mg/kg wet wt,無食用上的安全顧慮。相關分析顯示螺類生殖構造異常(標準化後雄螺之陰莖長度、標準化後雌螺之陰莖長度、或雌螺雄化比例)和污染物濃度(總丁基錫濃度、壬基酚濃度、或總汞濃度)二者間無顯著相關。從螺類生殖構造異常和污染物累積來看,螺類可能同時受到丁基錫與壬基酚的影響,建議繼續對有機錫及壬基酚污染加強管制。
EngTitle The Study on the Environmental Distribution of Toxic substances – Examination on the reproductive ab
EngAbstract Although many environmental hormones, including persistent organic pollutants, have been banned in Taiwan, environmental residues are still a concerned issue. Gastropod snails are known to be the most sensitive bioindicators to reproductive-related environmental hormones. In the sand bottom ecosystem, the moon snails are one of the most important 2nd consumer. In this project, concentrations of environmental hormones, i.e., organotins, alkylphenols and Hg were determined in gastropod snails. And, the reproductive abnormalities of snails were correlated to the environmental hormones. The evaluation included the status of moon snail fishery, examination of snails’ reproductive structure and determining the concentrations of the environmental hormones.A decrease trend in moon snail fishery has been found. However, due to a lack of detail description in trawling methodology, the decrease trend can not be certain. In the lined moon snail Natica lineate, there was a significant defference among sites in the ratio of normal to abnormal male penis which ranged from 20 to 50%. In the bladder moon snail Neverita didyma, significant difference among sites in the ratio of normal to abnormal male penis has also found and the ranges were 9-58%. In the oyster drill Thais clavigera, the percent imposex varied between 25-100% with significant difference among sites. In the ivory shell Babylonia areolata, the percent imposex was 7-18% and significantly differed between sites.In the N. lineate and N. didyma, phenyltins was not detected and butyltin concentrations were high, i.e. 2527-3975 ng/g dry wt, with tributyltin as the major component. The concentrations of butyltins were higher in the hepatopancreas than in the foot and significant difference was found between the examined species. Nonylphenol (NP) was detected in all snail samples, with the concentrations of 572-2109 ng/g dry wt. In general, the foot had higher NP concentration than the hepatopancreas and there was no difference among species. The concentrations of total mercury (HG) in the foot and hepatopancreas ranged, respectively, from 42 to 554 and 211 to 1116 ng/g dry wt. Significant difference was observed in the concentrations of HG among species in both tissues. Additionally, the concentrations of organic HG were below the food safety limit (0.009-0.150 mg/kg wet wt). According to the correlation analyses, there was no significant correlation between standardrized male penis length, standardrized female penis length or percent imposex and butyltins, NP or HG. Based on the results, it is likely that snails are affected by organotins and alkylphenols at concerned level, extra control actions are strongly suggested.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立中山大學