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Title 建立周界丙烯醯胺等有機空氣污染物之調查技術
Abstract 本計畫主要目的為評估與建立周界中丙烯醯胺(Acrylamide,AA)、己內醯胺(Caprolactam,CAP)、二甲基亞碸(Dimethyl Sulfoxide,DMSO)、二甲基甲醯胺(Dimethyl Formamide,DMF)、甲胺(Methylamine)、二甲胺(Dimethylamine)、三甲胺(Trimethylamine)與乙胺(Ethylamine)等8種空氣污染物在周界環境之採樣與檢測技術,包括樣本收集、萃取程序、儀器分析與樣本保存進行探討。本計畫以不同產業四場次(魚市場、除草劑、農藥廠、殺蟲劑農藥廠、掩埋場之廢水池)之現場環境檢測和檢驗品質管制/品質保證等措施,以確實驗證此方法可行性。計畫亦進行檢測技術擴散2場次,以達到技術檢討與轉移之效用。本計畫依據八種不同目標化合物之特性,分為三種不同方法進行採樣,分別以吸附管(活性碳、NBD-XAD7和10%磷酸-XAD等吸附劑,採樣流量控制在0.1 – 0.2 lpm。採樣後,以適當溶劑進行萃取與淨化工作,胺類仍須以衍生方式進行分析工作。最後分別以GC/FID或HPLC/FLD進行全校採樣工作。採樣時之採樣流率(後段吸附劑不得超過前吸附劑5%作為品質管制基準)與穿透定義、各種儀器之線性範圍、偵測極限、保存期限等,均為現代臭異味連續且持續發生之問題。依據其偵測極限,便可計算出周界空氣中目標化合物之監測極限。
EngTitle Development of ambient sampling and analysis of organic compounds (acrylamide, etc)
EngAbstract The purposes of this project are to evaluate and establish ambient air sampling and analysis method for high solubility and strong polarity chemicals such as acrylamide, caprolactam, dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl formamide、methylamine、dimethylamine、ethylamine and trimethylamine. The ambient air sampling and analysis method includes adsorbent samplig, sample collection, preservation and instrumental analysis. Through five different ambient air sampling programs at the ambient of various factories, the ambient air sampling and analysis method was tested and verified its effectiveness and the quality control/quality assurance protocol. Technical transfer meetings were also held twice to encompass the thorough goal of this project.Because of the high solubility and strong polarity of target chemicals, most factories applied scrubbers to clean up their exhaust gas, then emit through stacks and become potential odor sources. The required task issues including sampling requirement, the sampling flowrate of 0.1-0.2 lpm was recommended as the upper limit to avoid possible breakthrough. Gas Chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (GC/FID) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) associated with Fluorescene detector (FLD) were applied to all three sampling and analysis methods. All target compounds were tested from the beginning of sampling, followed by analytical protocals, and finalized by appropriate detectors. Three analytical methods were proposed according to the previous research and results.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 私立天主教輔仁大學