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Title 101年環境教育人員認證補助、計畫審查與宣導計畫
Abstract 環保署為推動環境教育,加強學校及社區對環境教育的重視,並善用經認證之環境教育人員人力資源,透過本計畫組成環境教育講師團與環境教育計畫審查團,辦理環境教育講座及協助環境教育計畫審查及相關補助作業。整體工作成果包括完成58件各級學校指定人員申請環境教育認證費用補助、594人次環境教育人員識別證製作及寄發、受理162場次社區、學校申請辦理環境教育講師鐘點費補助及進行5,674件審查並回覆各機關(構)所提之環境教育計畫;另完成2場次環境教育工作坊暨記者會及協助「環境教育終身學習獎勵計畫」草案研擬工作。透過本計畫的推動,相關社區、學校可透過網路平台查詢環境教育講師資訊,連絡講師進行環境教育課程,已獲致良好之媒合效果,同時透過各單位提報環境教育計畫審查,提供其102年環境教育計畫擬定之建議意見,相信未來各單位將能更有效、更落實推動環境教育,朝培養環境公民與環境學習社群,達到永續發展的目標邁進。
EngTitle The project for the subsidy of environmental education personnel certification program, plan review
EngAbstract In order to promote environmental education to enhance public respect to the importance of environmental education in schools and communities, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has provided subsidy to related program in environmental education workshop and assisted the review of environmental education plan in this project through the formation of environmental education lecturer group and environmental education plan reviewer group as well as the arrangement of certified environmental education lecturer manpower resources.The project has completed the task of subsidy to 58 cases of environmental education personnel certification fee application for persons assigned by schools as well as the issuance and mailing of the certificates to 594 persons who attended the environmental education program. The project also supported 162 community workshops and subsidized the payment to environmental education lecturers by their teaching hour. A total of 5,674 cases of review were conducted and suggestions were provided to the environmental education plan proposed by each institution. Two environmental education workshop and press conference were conducted in this project. The project also assisted the planning of “Lifelong environmental education promotion program”.It was through the promotion in this project that communities and schools are now able to search for environmental education lecturer information and to contact the lecturers for environmental education courses arrangement through the platform built on website that provides good matching results. The environmental education plan review in this project also provided suggestions to the planning of environmental education program for 2012. It is believed that the project has enabled every institution to promote environmental education more effectively towards the training of environmental civilians and environmental learning groups to achieve the goal of sustainable development.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司