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Title 生質塑膠及農藥廢容器回收處理機制檢討專案工作計畫
Abstract 檢討國內外生質塑膠使用型態及用途,發現2011年全球總使用量為85萬公噸,其應用方式以包裝材及紡織纖維為主;而國內2011年生質塑膠原料進口量為8,854公噸,以環保餐具及一次性容器使用量最大,占79%。檢討廢生質塑膠容器與其他塑膠容器混練加工或合塑處理之可行性,完成廢生質塑膠容器瓶磚經分選、粉碎、造粒、合塑、射出再生商品等各階段試驗。r-PLA粒子與PLA及PC新料合塑之最適處理條件分別為造粒後50% r-PLA 粒子添加50%PLA新料及23.75% r-PLA粒子、71.25%PC新料與5%相容劑分別進行合塑處理。並於宜蘭縣、台中市及高雄市辦理3場次廢生質塑膠容器回收宣導活動,參與人數共170人。完成以物質回收方式處理農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器之處理廠規劃,處理流程係將農藥廢容器於人工分選後經破碎、水洗、脫水後販售。二次污染控制技術部分,廢氣處理係將異味濃度較高之作業區域圍封抽氣後,經水洗再以活性碳吸附,去除異味後排放。廢水處理則將作業廢水收集後經沉澱、調勻,再以臭氧高級氧化處理後,經活性碳過濾至納管或放流水標準後排放。在農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器處理緊急應變措施及啟動機制方面,規劃當原有農藥廢容器處理廠停工達5個月,或處理廠連續6個月內總處理量小於100公噸時,由各縣市之垃圾焚化廠緊急處理暫存之農藥廢容器。研析國外農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收制度,發現德、美兩國由自主回收組織推動回收作業;日本則視農藥廢容器為事業廢棄物,農會收集後依不同容器材質分類後,經破碎、焚化後安定掩埋。而經檢討國內農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器課費制度,建議可將製造原體新增為課費標的,並完成相關費率估算。另本計畫已修正調整回收率公式,並規劃將申報作業納入法規命令予以規範,以提升回收率公式之準確性。
EngTitle Reviewing the Recycling Mechanism of Bio-Plastics and Pesticide Waste Containers
EngAbstract The global usage of bio-plastics in 2011 was 850,000 tons, mainly applied in package and fabric industries. In contrast, Taiwan had imported 8,854 tones of bio-plastics raw materials, about 79% were used to make environmental tableware and disposable containers. After exploring the feasibility of various mix of bio-plastics and other plastic containers with repetitive experiments - sorting, crushing, granulating, mixing, injection-molded, we found the best conditions to blend the r-PLA, PLA and PC are (1) the impurity rate of waste PLA containers should lower than 1%, (2) the blend ratios of r-PLA/PLA purity were 50:50, and the blend ratios of r-PLA/PC purity and polymeric mixture were 23.75:71.25:5. In addition, for promoting the recycle of waste bio-containers, three propaganda campaigns were held in Ilan County, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City, and in total there were 170 persons participated. This project has completed the planning on treatment factories to recycle waste pesticide containers. The proper procedures to treat waste pesticide containers are to sort, smash, wash, dehydrate, and sold them at last. In order to control the secondary contamination, exhaust gas treatment equipments are used to blockade the area filled with peculiar odor, then eject, wash and absorb with activated carbon to remove the odor. In addition, wastewater treatment equipments are used to collect wastewater through precipitation, mix thoroughly, and use ozone advanced oxidation processes to meet with the effluence standard before draining waste water out. Regarding to the measure and inception mechanism of emergency response to waste containers used for pesticide and special environmental sanitation, the government allows those waste containers to be burnt in counties’ or cities’ public incinerators as long as the treatment factories have shut down for over 5 months, or when the factories treat waste containers less than 100 tons within successive 6 months. After literature reviewing the recycling institution for waste pesticide and environmental sanitation containers in foreign countries, we found that the recycling is undertaken by autonomous organizations in Germany and US, In Japan, waste pesticide containers are collected and classified by famer’s association, either recycled or burnt. Besides, after investigating the taxation base on waste pesticide and environmental sanitation containers, we suggest to also tax those factories which produce technical grade pesticide. Meanwhile, we modify the formula of recovery rate to improve the accuracy of estimating Taiwan’s recovery rate.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會