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Title 101年度綠色消費網路行銷推廣專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫於101年1月17日開始執行,服務對象包含政府機關、民間企業與團體、製造廠商、銷售業者、0800人員、一般民眾、管理者環保署及其委辦計畫。本年度工作執行目標在於綠色生活資訊網系統(包含環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、及環保產品線上採購網站)的維護管理、更新、及輔導使用者為主,並確保環保產品線上採購網的運行(並不涉及金流與物流);對於宣傳方面則著重於網路行銷,並不包含實體管道的行銷。系統建置或改版,已完成新增及精進至少58項功能,包括環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、記事系統、政府機關綠色採購評核系統、民間企業團體綠色採購申報系統、數位學習系統、種子人員派遣系統、兒童網站、英文網站、標章產品電子型錄…等。推廣及宣導,至12月31日,完成翻譯並發布52則中文新聞、52則英文新聞以及273則最新消息,並完成辦理說明會共20場次、0800教育訓練6場次,且已發布12則影音訊息、寄發24則電子報。採購網營運部分,已全數完成系統建置作業,至12月31日止會員數達21,851人、共輔導53家廠商簽約與操作、上架450項產品以及總銷售金額為1,135,818元。
EngTitle Year 2012 「Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan」
EngAbstract The project began on January 17, 2012, providing services to government agencies, private enterprises and organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff on 0800 free phone number, the general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed at Internet marketing instead of brick-and-mortar marketing.At least 58 functions were added and enhanced for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, such as the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, an organizer system, the Government Green Procurement Evaluation System, the Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a digital learning system, the Seed Staff Dispatch System, a website for children, an English website, and the Green Mark products e-catalogue.For promotion and publicity, 52 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 52 news items in English and 273 latest updates were translated and published. 20 briefing sessions were held, 6 education and training workshops were organized for customer service staff on 0800 free phone number. 12 video/audio messages were released and 24 e-papers were sent.The construction of the BuyGreen website was entirely completed. By the end of December the website had up to 21,851 members. Guidance was provided to 53 companies in assistance with contract signing and system operation. A total of 450 products were marketed on the website and total sales amounted to NT $1,135,818.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司