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Title 生態學校分級認證與推廣專案計畫
Abstract 本報告為101年度「生態學校分級認證與推廣」專案工作計畫之期末報告,本計畫工作內容包括制定適用於我國的生態學校認證指標與認證辦法,進行「生態學校認證」與「低碳永續家園之社會行為科學與評比運作機制」、「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」之整合與協商,設置我國生態學校網站,以及配合低碳永續家園計畫團隊之宣導活動。本計畫已依規定及環保署指示完成辦理各項工作摘要如下:(一)完成制定適用於我國的生態學校認證指標與認證辦法,包括辦理專家座談會共2場次,參加之專家學者共13人,透過社會科學方法,蒐集整合各專家學者之建議,得到適用於我國的生態學校認證指標。(二)完成「生態學校認證」與「低碳永續家園之社會行為科學與評比運作機制」、「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」之整合與協商。(三)完成設置我國生態學校網站基礎架構,網站內容包括生態學校簡介、如何成為生態學校等。(四)完成辦理5場次配合低碳永續家園計畫團隊之宣導活動,分別於臺北市、新北市、宜蘭縣及臺中市辦理,宣導人數共計335人。本計畫各項工作成果已詳列於本報告中。
EngTitle The Eco-Schools certification and promotion project
EngAbstract This report is the final report of the “Eco-Schools Certification and Promotion Project”. The work of this project include to establish the eco-schools certification indicators for Taiwan, integrate eco-schools certification into EPA’s low carbon sustainable project and national environmental education award, establish a Taiwan eco-schools website, and to hold 5 propaganda meetings with the low carbon sustainable project team.This project has been in accordance with the EPA's regulations and instructions to complete all the work. The results were summarized as follows:1. Held 2 conferences, with a total of 13 participants. Established the eco-schools certification indicators for Taiwan by the social science methods and collecting suggestions from experts.2. Integrated eco-schools certification into EPA’s low carbon sustainable project and national environmental education award3. Establish a Taiwan eco-schools website including what about eco-schools and how do you become an eco-school, etc.4. Held 5 propaganda meetings with the low carbon sustainable project team in Taipei city, New Taipei city, Taichung city and Yilan county, with a total of 335 participants.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台北市美麗人生教育基金會