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Title 生活污水污染削減及管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫蒐集國內外生活污水除氮處理技術及相關案例,另蒐集國外公共污水下水道系統放流水營養鹽管制標準,彙整其管制項目、管制方式、管制限值及管制特點等,並與國內管制現況比較,同時篩選8處公共污水處理廠進行實地查驗,以瞭解各廠營養鹽水質、處理效能及操作參數,另彙整國內公共污水處理廠之實際進流水質概況,並完成研擬公共污水下水道系統營養鹽放流水標準草案及草案施行後之衝擊分析。 統計公共污水處理廠歷年水質水量利用率,並進行低利用率之原因分析;透過72點次實地查驗,瞭解接管家戶生活污水及截流污水與水肥投入之水質概況,作為研擬改善對策參考。另就法令規範、提升公共污水處理廠進流水質、改善環境衛生及後續費用支出等面向,完成用戶接管時是否保留化糞池之探討。蒐集國外公共下水道系統管理方式,並依水質水量利用率低之原因分析,研擬利用率提升改善對策。 完成生活污水總氮污染量推估,並針對淡水河系、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、北港溪、新虎尾溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河等11條重點河川,篩選優先推動生活污水除氮區域,另配合公共下水道系統規劃及建設情形,完成短、中期生活污水總氮削減策略研擬。 另協助推動101年生活污水削減專案計畫、彙整社區管理常見疑義並提出改善建議、研擬曝氣及消毒單元操作參數納入社區許可檢核之作法、協助完成預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記新申請案及現驗表單建檔93件,及其他配合執行事項等。
EngTitle Project of domestic wastewater pollution reduction and management
EngAbstract This project gathered nitrogen removing techniques and related cases both in Taiwan and abroad, and the standards for controlling nutrients in effluent in public sewage systems in foreign countries, with their control items, methods, limits and characteristics summarized to be compared with the current control exercised in Taiwan, while conducting on-site inspection at eight selected public sewage treatment plants to understand the water quality of nutrients, efficacy of treatment and operation parameters at the plants. Also, the project summarized the real influent water quality at Taiwan’s public sewage treatment plants and drew up the draft of effluent standards for nutrients in public sewage systems and conducted analysis in the impact of the enforcement of such draft.We made statistics on the historical water quality and water use rate at public sewage treatment plants and analyzed the causes of low use rates. By 72 on-site inspections, we understood the water quality of domestic wastewater and intercept sewage and nightsoil dumping as reference for considering improvement strategies. We also completed the investigation in whether users retained the septic tanks when they connected the piping regarding legal specifications, the improvement on influent water quality at public sewage treatment plants, the improvement on environmental sanitation and subsequent costs. We gathered the methods of public sewage system management in foreign countries and drew up, based on the analysis in the causes of low water quality and water use rate, strategies for improving use rates.We projected total nitrogen pollution in domestic wastewater and selected prioritized areas to try nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater for 11 focused rivers, which are Tamsui River system, Nankan River, Laojie River, Juoshuei River, Beigang River, Xinhuwei River, Jishuei River, Yenshuei River, Eren River, Agongdian River and Love River; we also drew up short-term and mid-term strategies for total nitrogen reduction in domestic wastewater in line with the public sewage system plan and constructions.In addition, we promoted the Project of 2012 domestic wastewater reduction, sorted the common questions about community management with recommendations for improvement presented, contemplated on the exercise of taking operation parameters of aeration and sterilization units as part of the checking of community approval, assisted in the file creation of 93 cases of new application for registration of sewage treatment facility at prefabricated buildings and site inspection forms, and other executions as required.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司