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Title 101年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 一、針對轄區內8口監測井進行枯、豐水期採樣,分析項目為一般項目,重金屬及 揮發性有機物、總酚及總石油碳氫化合物。本次分析結果顯示濃度皆低於地下水 染管制標準;而一般項目中以鐵、錳、氨氮濃度超過地水監測標準居多。其中仍以華碁廢棄物處理場之數據較引人注意,一般項目中總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、氨氮超過監測標準甚多。比較歷年數據,各口井之水質趨勢上並無太明顯之差異。此外,亦針對該些水井進行2次之巡查及維護工作藉以維持其監測功能。二、針對西區進行3口標準監測井設置作業,包括建國路加油站地下水標準井、下埤段409地號地下水標準井及玉山國中地下水標準井,其水質經檢測後並未發現有異常或污染之情形,後續則列入定期監測工作中。三、針對轄內37站加油站之管理作業,包括網路申報審查作業及現場查核作業,共計完成10站現場查核工作。其主要查核缺失為書面資料與現場不符合,於現場查核發現缺失皆已於第一時間告知站方限期改善,並已改善完成。此外,亦完成剩餘27站加油站之書面審核工作。四、於計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內列管場址巡查作業,轄內共計2處列管場址,其中一為建國路加油站執行污染控制中;另一為下埤段5筆農地汙染控制場址。於巡查時並未發現異常或不法之情事,後續將巡查結果作成紀錄,且於Eco-Life網站發表場址現況。五、本計劃共計執行2次說明會,分別於民國101年3月16日舉行第一場底泥品質說明會及加油站管理辦法,參加人數42人。根據會後所填寫之意見顯示,業者對地下儲槽管理辦法大致了解,會後亦無相關意見。第二場於101年10月11日舉行,共計117人參加。由於此說明會之性質較屬柔性宣導,業者對於底泥及加油站管理辦法多無意見,較具吸收新知的效果。六、本年度計畫中緊急應變工作,總計執行4件,其中以清除遠東段排水溝渠之底泥較為重要,於民國101/03/26至04/06完成清理工作,共計清除670公斤之底泥,並交由焚化廠進行最終處理作業,遠東段農地之污染調查,污染改善及污染源管制工作到此有一完整處理。其他如華碁廢棄物處理場地下水禁用之告示牌設置、下埤段農地控制場址附近底泥及周遭農地之採樣工作及林森路加油站之地下水井水質採樣分析工作皆於環保局指示下完成。
EngTitle Abstract
EngAbstract   Enviromental Protection Bureau,ChiaYi City (ChiaYi City EPB) has excused soil and groundwater investigation and audition plan since 2006. The plan based on the plan is to understand soil and groundwater quality in ChiaYi City.1.Monitoring of groundwater quality regularly   In This part,it has completed the sampling work of 8 groundwater wells once of a year,there was no any result higher than groundwater pollution control standards for all well,but should focus at the groundwater quality of MW-5,its concentrations of total hardess,TDS,chloride,ammonia nitrogen,manganese were higher than the category 2 of groundwater pollution monitoring standards.All monitoring wells took good care in order to keep the function of monitoring and extend the using time of monitoring wells.2.Gas station management audit In the part,it including owner of gas station keyed in data of operation reported by internet every season and then review these data by ChiaYi City EPB,and the order hand,checkout 10 gas stations on-site,purpose to implement these spirit of regulation.3.The presentation of sludge and gas station management regulation This Plan carried out two presentation of sludge and gas station management regulation.Because the topic was new to participators,and there was no regulation enforcement,so it could take likeas new knowledge introduction.4.Emergency investigation  There are 8 events of emergency response have executed.Including: (1)Set up the billboard at former Hwa-Gi(華碁)waste treatment factory. (2)Clean up the sludge in the ditch at Yuandong(遠東)land section. (3)Take the sludge and water Samples in the ditch at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (4)Take soil samples of agriculture land polluted control sites at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (5)Take soil samples which locate at the inlet of irrigation in the agriculture land polluted control sites at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (6)Audit former Hwa-Gi(華碁)waste treatment factory on site. (7)Take groundwater samplein the Linsen Road station. (8)Audit the agrculture land locate at Sidong land section site.  At last,we suggest that ChiaYi City EPB should be continues to monitor potential contaminated land and groundwater in order to achieve the goalof pollution prevention.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 恆逸工程股份有限公司