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Title 環境教育基金規劃運用
Abstract 本環境教育基金規劃的主要任務為規劃民國103年至106年有關環境教育基金的運用方式與關鍵績效指標,作為未來環境教育基金應用的參考。規劃小組經過多次的專家會議、分組討論,邀集近100位相關專家、政府部門、NGO、NPO等單位,整理諸多意見後,提出15項規劃理念、4大策略方針,希望達成環境教育願景的需求。主要規劃成果說明如下:一、新增35項「國家環境教育行動方案的實施方式」。二、關鍵績效指標闡明對於環境教育基金執行之期待。三、提出環境教育基金規劃的4個主要策略:「全民親近自然」、「在地紮根行動」、「活絡環教產業」、「全球環境守護」。四、民國103年至106年各年度的亮點計畫:1. 民國103年「環境體驗年」:系統建構、深化戶外環境學習。2. 民國104年「地方智慧年」:厚植基礎、強化地方紮根行動。3. 民國105年「環教社群年」:產業連結、活絡環境教育產業。4. 民國106年「全球守護年」:國際推展、提昇全球環教交流。本計畫透過多方的意見蒐集、討論,集思廣益,歸納出幾個主要的計畫,希望這些計畫能符合現階段的環境教育需求,並能導引整個環境教育成全民親近自然,並透過在地的扎根,能活絡環教產業,並能參與全球守護,善盡地球公民的力量。
EngAbstract The present project is to plan for the proper use of environmental education fund of Taiwan during 2014 and 2017, in the amount of 1.2 billion New Taiwanese dollars. This planning is aimed to implement four progressively strategies¸ i.e. (1) to enhance every citizen with the chance of being educated environmentally in our environment at least once a year, (2) to take root in the local communities for the people to become aware of their own natural surroundings, (3) to activate environment-related enterprises in Taiwan for supporting environmental education at various levels, and (4) to watch the world environment for a sustainable future of Taiwan and the earth.To make certain these four strategies will be fully supported, the research team conducted a series of study where focus group interviews, qualitative interviews, expert meetings, questionnaires, and workshops were used. A total of more than 100 experts, professionals and scholars have contributed their expertise in making this project effective, efficient and successful. Most importantly, they include members from NGOs, NPOs, Universities, government agencies, private enterprises, and concerned individuals. A total of 4 strategies, 15 planning goals, yearly highlights, action plans and various key performance index (KPIs) are suggested as a result of this planning project.As the highest environment related central agency, the Environmental Protecting Agency (EPA) has played an important role in initiating such a progressive and evolutionary track for the environmental education of Taiwan to be transformed in a series of three four-year plans. The action plans of the nation shall serve as main pillars for the realization of sustainable environmental education. Taking into consideration of the past experience, this project has steered its action plans to be complementary to past environment education, but with a new light which is highly related to the stated four strategies.The highlights of the following four years will be: (1) deeply experiencing the environment, (2) earthy localizing the environmental actions, (3) professionally networking the stakeholders, and (4) truly watching for earth conservation. These yearly highlights cover not only the improvement of environmental education sites, institutes, and personnel, but also the exchanges of experience and knowledge of the local, outsiders and people around the world. By so doing, sustainable knowledge for each locale will be possible, and the science community shall be able to be informed for developing better and proper situated knowledge for all.Other important results of this project include reinforcing school environmental education of all levels, encouraging means for environmental education to take root in local counties, subsidizing international networking for environmental education to share with and to learn from the international community.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學