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Title 101年環境教育補助成果線上申辦、相關系統功能新增及擴充計畫
Abstract 我國「環境教育法」於民國100年6月正式實施,為國內環境教育作業奠定永續發展的里程碑,而因應環境教育法建置「環境教育管理資訊系統」於正式上線以來,提供各類優質的環境教育教案及最新活動資訊,以及通過環境教育認證之相關資料,讓每一個人能從認知、價值觀及態度上來落實環境保護之行為。目前本系統除提供應申報單位填報環境教育計畫與成果外,亦提供各縣市環保局辦理環境講習課程,及掌握環境教育申報及環境講習之情況。除此之外,今年度另建置「環境教育補助成果線上申報管理子系統」、「財團法人管理資訊系統」、「環境教育教案資料庫子系統」及「環境教育最新活動消息發布與後臺審核管理子系統」等四大子系統輔助法規之推動,以提升全民環境教育素養,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係。本團隊為協助環保署執行環境教育補助申請流程e化管理,以利對執行進度做有效的時程控管;另提供財團法人設立審件流程電子化,將歷史資料皆建立電子檔,可做為檢閱歷年資料管理狀況。此外,因環境教育推廣過程中須有優良之環境教育教案,以及民眾能及時獲取其他單位辦理環教活動訊息,本系統提供教案分享及最新消息專區供廣大民眾所使用。系統本身除滿足基本需求外,也應具備良好的宣導及推廣教育之功能,透過相關四大子系統之建置,讓環境教育管理資訊系統為全國環境教育之重要入口網站,全面提升政府推動環境教育的整體績效與形象,可促進國民重視環境倫理關係,增進環境教育之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,以達永續發展之公民教育過程。
EngAbstract The Environmental Education Act, a milestone of environmental education on sustainable development, was formally executed in Taiwan on June, 2011. In response to such an act, Environmental Education Information Management System (EEIS) has been formally online, not only providing quality teaching plans for environmental education on diversities and the latest information, but also presenting environmental courses in accuracy and diversity in the hope of that people can conduct environmental protection behaviors from the aspect of cognition, values, and attitudes.In addition to providing foreground users with filling and reporting environmental education plans and achievements, we also provide Environmental Bureaus in cities or counties with organizing environmental education lessons, and control environmental education reporting and environmental courses conditions. Moreover, in addition to upgrade the system, four sub-systems, including Environmental Education Subsidy Achievement Online Reporting Management Subsystem, Non-profit Corporation Information Management System, Environmental Education Teaching Plan Database Subsystem, and The Latest Environmental Education Activities Announcement and Background Auditing Management Subsystem, are established, to assist to promote regulations for raising the public’s environmental education knowledge and letting people to the relation between individual and society and environment.The team has assisted the EPA to conduct environmental education subsidy application e-management, benefiting to do an effective schedule control. Also, we provide non-profit corporations with the establishment of e-process on file audition, whereby historical data are converted into e-files, allowing to review the condition on previous year’s file management. Moreover, the system provides teaching plans for sharing and the latest information to the public since quality teaching plans and other organizations’ education activities are necessary information for the public during the promotion of environmental education.In addition to suffice the basic requirement, the system also equips promotion and extension education functions. Through the establishment of four sub-systems, EEIS has become the most important portal website for domestic environmental education, wholly raising the government performance and image for the promotion on environmental education, thereby encouraging the public to value the relationship of environmental moral, raising environmental protection knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, and achieving sustainable development by citizen education.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司