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Title 101年度空品不良期間加強濁水溪沿岸街道揚塵管制計畫
Abstract 一、本計畫統計至102.3.31已執行洗街長度累積達23,821公里(達成率100%);人力掃街作業累積人力掃街長度共5,571公里(達成率100%)。二、本計畫總計洗街長度為23,821公里,總計用水量為29,041.4公噸,各月單位長度(公里)平均用水量介於1.18~1.28公噸之間,總平均用水量則為1.22公噸/公里,符合環保署規範數值(單位用水量須大於0.9公噸/公里)。三、完成街塵(坋土)負荷量評估作業,採樣36點次,可作為本計畫執行成效分析與執行過程品質驗證之重要參考依據;執行2次水質檢測分析,共計採樣分析17點次(達成率100%)。四、於101年4月11日、101年6月18日及19日,假環保局四樓會議室、環保局一樓中庭,辦理洗掃作業人員教育訓練兩場次,達成率為100%。五、於101年9月21日辦理外部稽核1場次,針對委員意見亦有回覆及說明,作為後續執行作業之改善與提昇之準則,達成率為100%。六、於計畫執行初期完成洗街車輛GPS行車監控管理系統連線,及標準作業程序手冊擬訂等,達成率皆為100%。七、本計畫於6月25日完成洗街車車體彩繪,其彩繪內容除含相關計畫彩繪比賽之圖稿外,更增加2013年農博標制宣導,以期透過車體彩繪,使執行作業更為親民。八、本計畫於101年7月18日及19日,前往宜蘭縣環境保護局辦理參觀其他縣市河川揚塵相關計畫觀摩會,會中研討現階段之源頭防制技術仍有其極限,且源頭防制易受颱風之來襲,而使得源頭設備或植被而毀損,故其河川揚塵防制,除源頭之努力外,亦須管末之灑水控制。九、執行濁水溪沿岸居民前期滿意度調查1,200份,達成率100%。問卷調查中,48%的受訪者認為「街道車行揚塵」為主要造成揚塵原因;66%的受訪者知道濁水溪附近揚塵防制措施為「洗掃街作業」;70%的受訪者認為揚塵防制措施「洗掃街作業」較有效;41%受訪者認為濁水溪揚塵產生月份為7月至10月;34%受訪者認為一日中揚塵影響最大為下午。十、於101年10月17、18日本計畫配置洗街車輛2台,假雲林縣西螺大橋旁配合辦理「河川揚塵空品不良期間相關計畫緊急應變演練」,演練內容係將災害程度分為四等級。十一、本計畫特於102年1月22日辦理問卷調查結果相關說明會,會中邀請專家學者,進行問卷設計解說、問卷執行說明、及相關結果說明。
EngTitle The project of poor air quality during Cho-Shui-Hsi coastal strengthens street dust control for 101 year
EngAbstract The project began on April 01, 2012 and ended on March 31, 2013. The execution achievements and schedule met the contract requirements. The related achievements are as follow:1. The length of street cleaned was completed 23,821 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 100%; the total length of labor street cleaning work which organized 1,300 street cleaners was finished 5,571 kilometers and the achieved rate is 100%.2. The total street cleaning length is 23,821 kilometers and total water consumption is 29,041.4 tons in this project. The average water consumption per month is about to 1.18~1.28 tons per kilometer, and total average water consumption is 1.22 tons/km. It exceeds the EPA′s standards (a unit of water consumption should be more than 0.9 tons/one kilometer).3. The load of street dust estimation task that took samples from 36 places was completed. It could be a major reference for project execution effect analysis and execution process quality verification. The water quality testing which took samples for 17 places was performed two times. Both of achievement rates are 100%.4. An education and training for street cleaners was hold on April 11th and June 18th , 19th , 2012 in EPA′s building, and the achievement rate is 100%.5. An external audit was hold on September 21, 2012. Based on committee members′ comments to establish a standard for improving the next operations. The achievement rate is 100%.6. Street washing vehicle GPS traffic monitoring and management system connections completed in the early stage of project implementation, and development of standard operating procedures manual, the achievement rate was 100%.7. Street washing vehicle body painting the project is completed on June 25th, the painted content in addition to containing related projects painted game artwork, adds to the standard system in 2013 Nongbo advocacy to through body painting, to enable the Executive the job is more close to the people.8. The plan on July 18th and 19th, 2012, to the Yilan County Environmental Protection Bureau handled rivers dust related plan to visit other cities and counties to observe will discuss at this stage of the source control technology still has its limits, and the source ofprevention vulnerable to typhoon struck, and makes the source device or vegetation damage, so the of its rivers dust control, in addition to the source of the efforts also pipe end of the sprinkler.9. The satisfaction questionnaire for residents who live in riverside of the Cho-Shui-Hsi was done, and the achievement rate is 100%.1,200 questionnaires were filled out in earlier period, Survey, 48% of respondents think "Street Dealers dust" is mainly caused by dust reasons; 66% of the respondents know that the Cho-Shui-Hsi River near dust control measures for cleaning and washing operations "; 70% of the respondents that dust control measures more effective cleaning and washing operations "; 41% of the respondents that the Cho-Shui-Hsi River dust the month of July to October; 34% of respondents believe that the day in the dust the greatest impact for the afternoon.10. This project on October 17, 18, 101 years, configure 2 sets of street washing vehicles next Yunlin County Siluo Bridge, with the handle "rivers dust poor air quality related projects during the emergency drill", drill the disaster, is divided into four levels.11. The plan on January 22, 102 years, to apply for a description of the survey results will invite experts and scholars, the design of the questionnaire commentary questionnaires execute instructions, and the instructions of the relevant results.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司