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Title 基因量子點奈米系統應用於環境致病性微生物之檢測
Abstract 本「基因量子點奈米系統應用於環境致病性微生物之檢測」計畫為配合已開發的新微生物檢測技術進行改良。此新檢測平台可同時解決定量與標定問題,且期望簡化檢體製備流程。利用量子粒的特性配合微珠嵌連之專一性單股核酸探針,提供一全新的檢測技術。環境致病性微生物中退伍軍人菌一直是公衛的重點,因為像醫院、旅館、室內商場、辦公大樓、三溫暖等大型建築物的水塔均是可能的汙染源。然而退伍軍人症的臨床檢驗採細菌培養,費時且易錯失治療的黃金時機,因此發展一套精確、快速的基因檢測方法有其重要性與必要性。我們針對之前平台的不足提出改進包括微珠材料與大小的改進、單一反應同步偵測多種微生物的可能性、Click chemistry 強化量子粒探針的評估與環境實測。本研究將提供一新有效的微生物偵測法,可同時節省偵測時間又可定量。
EngTitle Gene-Quantum Dots Detection System for environmental pathogen
EngAbstract The main purpose of this project, Gene-quantum dots detection system for environmental pathogen, is to modify previous EPA project for more sensitivity and also application purposes. This new technology aims to measure the quantity and quality by simple labeled methods thus the detection procedure will be short and faster than current methods. We propose the quantum dot probes combined with microbead linked specific oligonucleotides as detection system that will be able to provide higher sensitivity and specificity. We selected Legionella spp as our research targets. Legionella spp has been pointed out as the major environmental pollution issue by CDC of government. Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is caused mainly by inhalation of aerosols generated from water sources contaminated with Legionella spp. Environmental culturing of water systems for Legionella spp. has been recommended for hospitals. Thus, we developed our quantum dots based microbead system for common Legionella spp. Following the previous project, the bead material will be changed and the size of bead will be enlarged than before. For quantum dots linked oligonucleotide, the Click reaction will be tested. And the quantum dots mixes will be applied for detection of 8 Legionella spp. in a single tube. Finally, the environmental samples were collected to examine this system for this project. Therefore, we try to develop a useful tool to detect pathogen with shorter operation time and to quantify and qualify the pathogen DNA in high specificity and sensitivity.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 中原大學創新育成中心