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Title 水污染地理資訊系統專案工作計畫
Abstract 本年度所建置之水污染地理資訊系統,收納環保署之流域管理概念,於水保處整體業務架構下為一整合型GIS系統。本年度初步完成跨部會、跨單位之資料彙整、整合與檢核,包含水利署、營建署、農委會等部會。另透過「水污染源管制資料管理系統」與「環境保護許可管理系統」列管事業大門口位置進行比對,座標錯誤者計3,389家,座標異常者計1,762家,扣除重複出現於2種名單之事業後,總計4,850家事業大門口位置座標需重新校核。座標錯誤名單資料已經由直轄市、縣(市)環保局及相關單位進行座標資料確認、修正,並回報至主管機關進行再次審核。本年度建立水污染地理資訊系統,提供水污染管理所需之GIS功能,包括11條重點河川之水質濃度漸層變化、水列管事業之基線資料查詢、RPI與CTSI指數計算、河川水區水體分類查詢、水質淨化處理場址之基本資料與建置前後水質變化查詢、事業之水體途徑查詢、上游可疑污染源查詢、集污區污染總量統計分析等。為改善流徑相關圖層不連續問題,本計畫透過空間模擬方式輔以流向屬性資料以補漏不連續之水體途徑圖資,提供概略之污染源流徑檢視功能。
EngTitle Water Pollution Geographic Information System
EngAbstract The Water Pollution geographic information system built this year, both the concept of watershed management, and the EPA overall business structure is an integrated GIS system.This year completed initial inter-ministerial, inter-unit data aggregation, integration and calibration.These data include the Water Resources Agency, the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Agriculture.By utilizing the “WPGIS” and “EMS” for comparison to the deviation in the longitude and altitude of the location to the entrance of the enlisted regulating enterprise, the deviations reveal those with coordinate data error tally to 3,389 enterprises, those with coordinate data anomaly tally to 1,762 enterprises. And upon deducting the repetitive data of redundant enterprise data, a total of 4850 enterprises’ entrance location coordinates need to be recalibrated. The erroneous coordinate list data have also had the coordinate data verified and amended by county/city environmental protection bureaus and pertinent units, and have also been declared with competent government authorities for revalidation.The current year’s application systems development work has been completed, which includes 11 focused river/stream tributary’s water quality concentration layer change, enlisted water-regulating enterprises’ baseline information check, river/stream water quality monitoring stations’ monitoring data and RPI value calculation, river/stream water areas’ water body classification check, dam water quality monitoring stations’ monitoring data and Carlson Index calculation, water quality purification processing site’s basic data and the nearest measurement statement calculation, accountability method, enterprise water body path check, upstream probable pollution source check, pollution collecting area’s enlisted regulating enterprises’ total pollution volume statistical analysis, graphic tendency data check, verification data simple graphic printout and the like.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環輿科技股份有限公司