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Title 重點河川綜合管理及整治技術應用計畫
Abstract 為維護水體環境品質,持續打造宜人樂活之水環境,環保署自101年至106年推動「水體環境水質改善及經營管理計畫」,集中資源推動11條重點河川之整治工作,期提升環境品質並增進國民健康,而本計畫目標主要為追蹤及檢討全國11條重點河川污染整治計畫之執行成效,並評估先進廢(污)水處理技術及聚落式污水處理對重點河川污染整治之應用。本計畫針對全國11條重點河川分析水污染問題、污染來源及影響程度、既有整治計畫可行性及效益等環境現況,同時利用水質模式模擬,檢視河川整治目標達成情形及污染整治計畫執行成效,供各級環保單位參考執行。相關整治策略包括污水下水道建設、污水截流系統操作、晴天排水現地處理設施、事業水污染稽查管制及聚落式污水處理等,並評估先進廢(污)水處理技術及聚落式污水處理於重點河川污染整治之應用;另籌辦重點河川污染整治計畫追蹤檢討會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,滾動式管理重點河川流域之階段性污染整治策略。此外,為提高民眾對政府環保施政的瞭解,進而投入更多的關注及參與,在本計畫中同時辦理了二仁溪整治紀錄片發表、河川整治成果訪視巡禮及淡水河、二仁溪整治資訊網頁之更新與維護。
EngTitle The Integrated Management and Restoration Technique Application in Primary Rivers.
EngAbstract EPA has impelled “Water Quality and Environmental Improvement and Management Program” from 2012 to 2017. The program focused on most resources regarding to the works of pollution control for 11 primary rivers, and the purpose of this program is to build, to maintain, and to improve the water quality for making better environment.  For executing the project, we analyze the problem of water pollution, identifying pollution sources and its extent of negative impact, also managing feasibility and benefits of pollution control plans for 11 primary rivers. Meanwhile, we are not only reviewing the effectiveness of the river pollution control plan, examining the goal of river pollution remediation via water quality model through the project; but also providing the available references to environmental protection organizations.  The related strategies of River pollution remediation include sewer construction, operation of sewage interception systems, on-site treatment facilities of dry weather flow, inspection of industrial wastewater of the environmental, and decentralized waste treatment systems. We also evaluate the effectiveness of the decentralized wastewater treatment systems on primary rivers.  The progress meetings were often held to review the outcome on each phase of the pollution remediation by management.  In addition, to improve the public understanding of government environmental policy, and to arise the attention of getting supports from public, we execute many activities, such as “documentary film of pollution remediation of Er-Jen River”, “visiting the results of river pollution remediation”, and updating the maintenance of Tamsui River , and Er-Jen River pollution remediation website pages.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 美商傑明工程顧問(股)公司台灣分公司