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Title 推動永續物質循環利用專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國101年1月20日起至101年12月31日止,主要工作為:(一)整合資源永續循環利用推動計畫,(二)探討我國事業廢棄物再利用管理機制及研擬配套參考措施,(三) 辦理環保科技園區督查察、追蹤管考及相關成果統計彙整作業,(四)配合辦理相關計畫之行政作業。本計畫已依100年度所研提之「資源永續循環推動利用計畫(草案)」,不定期召開修正研商會,並協助計畫修正、簡報製作及進行審查意見回復等相關提報行政院之前置作業。此外,已建構搖籃到搖籃平台等網絡,並於101年4月2日辦理策略聯盟成立大會,後續並邀集會員召開年中及年末大會,共同研商聯盟未來發展及願景;本年度輔導3家廠商進行搖籃到搖籃產品設計、認證申請及生命週期評估。本計畫彙整國內外事業廢棄物管制相況、問題解析及管理制度,研提「事業廢棄物管理評析報告」,並依據相關單位權責,規劃部門分工及執行期程。在環保科技園區方面,本年度完成4個園區各2次現場查察,桃園、台南及高雄園區招商情形與廠商營運績效良好,上半年已有約82億產值,估計全年可達160億以上,以投資值為基準,則有139%的成長,顯見環保科技園區仍屬穩定成長狀態。
EngTitle The Special Project for Promoting Sustainable and Cyclical Material Use
EngAbstract This project, which was implemented from January 20, 2012 to December 31, 2012, primarily included the following tasks: (1) An integrated sustainable and cyclical resource promotion plan. (2) Investigation of Taiwan's industrial waste reuse management mechanisms and drafting of accompanying reference measures. (3) Implementation of environmental science and technology park supervisory inspections, follow-up control examinations, and a compilation of relevant result statistics. (4) Administrative procedures required for the implementation of relevant projects. When needed, this project has held review meetings in accordance with the "Resource Sustainable Cyclic Use Project (draft)” proposed in 2011, which has assisted with project revision, briefing production, response to review opinions, and other preliminary tasks before reporting to the Executive Yuan. In addition, a network with a cradle to cradle platform has been established, and a strategic alliance establishment conference was held on April 2, 2012. Members have also been called together for mid-year and year-end conferences to jointly discuss the future development of strategic alliances and their prospects. Three firms were given assistance with cradle to cradle product design, application for certification, and life cycle assessment this year. This project compiled domestic and foreign industrial waste control, problem-solving, and management system information, issued the “Industrial Waste Management Assessment Report,” and drafted departmental assignments and an implementation timetable in accordance with relevant units' duties and powers. With regard to environmental science and technology parks, two on-site inspections of each of four parks were performed this year, and the state of corporate recruiting and company operating performance was excellent at the Taoyuan, Tainan, and Kaohsiung parks. The parks had an output value of approximately NT$8.2 billion during the first half of the year, and could reach an estimated output value of NT$16.0 billion for the whole year. The parks have enjoyed 139% growth in terms of investment value, making it apparent that the environmental science and technology parks are still in the midst of steady growth.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司